Crazy Lady Says Biden is “Perfect” – IOTW Report

Crazy Lady Says Biden is “Perfect”

13 Comments on Crazy Lady Says Biden is “Perfect”

  1. About as perfect as having Cookie Monster Guard the Oreo factory.

    Democrats are openly Robing the country dry while The Potato His “Doctor” & his Son Get their cut.

  2. She knows it’s BS. She’s doing everything she can to hold the party together before the 2022 midterms because she knows damn well it will be all over after that.
    Republicans will take both house’s.
    Pelosi will lose her seat and retire.
    The corruption around the 2020 election will finally see court time.
    All of the Biden family corruption will go under investigation.
    The victims of the Jan 6 fake “insurrection” will get their days in court.
    Trump will be vindicated.

    The big surprise will be Hillary Clinton. I honestly think the Democrats will ditch Kamala and give the crown to Hillary. Hillary will install a man to be her VP. It will be some dusty old moderate. She’s not real fond of the young Turks like AOC.

    Then in 2024 Hillary will run again. She will have two years under her belt, the media will gush over her, liberals will swoon (especially women). The Russian Collusion scam will be forgotten by the MSM.

    2024 election will be interesting.


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