Crazy Nancy – IOTW Report

Crazy Nancy

Nice parody. Funny lady.

16 Comments on Crazy Nancy

  1. Too funny! The woman is a mess and a disgrace. So sad. I pray everyday for her to get help. Ok, I know that sounds naïve but I don’t want to be vicious. I’m trying to be as understanding as I can (Gosh what an idiot I am). Ok, what goes around comes around. Let’s wait and see.

    God Bless us all!

  2. That.was.good. A combo of Cruella de Ville, the Joker and @stirrin the pot….BOZO.

    @Charlie WalksonWater – “You dirty rat!” Rich Little was a talent never seen again.

    Remember those old roast shows? And a show called ‘Copy Kats’ or something like that.


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