Crazy needs another 15 minutes – IOTW Report

Crazy needs another 15 minutes

Jihad Watch:

“Beck, whose manner is now more soft-spoken than it was in the days when he hosted a daily show on Fox News….”

Translation: “Beck, whom we used to detest but is now saying things that we at CBS News like…”

The article says: “He told Wagner that the fallout from failing to differentiate between Islamists and Muslims could have a dangerous cost: ‘We could see some sort of internment camp situation,’ he predicted, ‘if there is a December 7th.’”

Who is talking about interment camps? Only Leftists and hysterical Never-Trumpers. No one on the Trump team.

How does Beck propose to differentiate between Islamists and Muslims? He can define the difference, but can he tell one from the other? If Beck were President of the United States (heaven forfend), would he implement an “Islamist ban,” and keep all card-carrying “Islamists” out of the country? And what if they didn’t have Islamist membership cards? Would he have them questioned as to whether they believe that “the Qur’an supersedes the Constitution or any country and the country must be run by religious rule”? And how could he determine that their answers were honest?

What Beck and many others like him fail to admit, and perhaps fail to realize, is that there is no reliable way to distinguish “Islamists” from Muslims who are determined to come to the U.S. and be faithful, loyal, productive, patriotic citizens of a pluralistic society in which there is no established religion. Hence the immigration ban from certain countries that are hotbeds of jihad activity and from which numerous jihadis have entered the U.S.

Beck, of course, is famously erratic. In his 2007 book An Inconvenient Book, he said: “I have read the Koran and can tell you that I unequivocally believe that Islam is a religion of peace.” Then in 2015 he published a book entitled It IS About Islam, admitting that there were elements of Islamic teaching that jihadis used to justify violence and make recruits among peaceful Muslims.

The rest is here


Oh, by the way….

Plaintiff behind Trump immigration ban suit runs Muslim Brotherhood mosque.

So shut up, Becky.

19 Comments on Crazy needs another 15 minutes

  1. Beck is so rightfully discredited, why would anyone ever listen to him again about anything?

    In his continued delusions, he honestly thinks Trump has personally sent him an “olive branch” in the form of defunding something or other. Narcissist much?

  2. Glen needs a couple years off to gather his thoughts.
    He’s in one of the stages of withdrawal.
    I think it;s the ‘bat shit crazy’ stage.
    I have been there, bought a motorcycle, moved somewhere tropical, all that crap.
    Glen just needs to let that pot of nonsense in his skull back off from full boil, down to slow simmer.

  3. “Plaintiff behind Trump immigration ban suit runs Muslim Brotherhood mosque”

    The verdict that judge delivered was handed down in less than an hour after the suit was filed and was 45 pages long. Full of reference to things Trump said during the campaign. It even reference people not affiliated with his administration referring to the EO as a Muslim ban. What a joke.

  4. My neighbor who is usually conservative actually believes the internment camp b/s! He’s got gay relatives who are probably feeding this nonsense.
    Personally I’d like to see some gays interred, (dan savage, rosie, ellen) just so they’d shut the hell up.

  5. ‘We could see some sort of internment camp situation,’

    Why? To feed, clothe, and educate?

    What a fukkin fool. If you keep the rats out of the house, in the first place, you don’t need to call the exterminator.

    (ounce of prevention … ?)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. A Nona moose, George Takei is milking the internment camp teat dry.

    “I had to say the pledge of allegiance every day behind barbed wire!”

    Ugh. You missed being on the first wave at Omaha Beach at least.

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