Crazy Pete’s Planned Parenthood Emporium – IOTW Report

Crazy Pete’s Planned Parenthood Emporium

Steven Crowder makes the point that PP is selling one product to a targeted market.  This wouldn’t be so horrible if they were offering something other than abortions.


Have you ever seen a man go into a PP clinic for services?  Aren’t they parents who plan families too?

6 Comments on Crazy Pete’s Planned Parenthood Emporium

  1. I’ve seen many men drive into PP’s abortuary, drop their woman off, drive away, and come back to pick them up in a few hours. Some were a bit more concerned and waited in their car.

    One young man brought his friend there. She wasn’t his girlfriend, but a friend. He cried on my shoulder, literally. He didn’t want her to have the abortion, but she was determined that she would drive herself if he didn’t drive her. We prayed with him on the grass across the street from PP.

    Another young man was broken up and didn’t want the abortion that was about to happen to his child. His woman lied to him and said she had an ectopic pregnancy. Surgery of this type couldn’t be performed at such a facility. I gave him info and asked him to please have her leave PP and talk with us and I would take her to the pro-life Gyn who would see her for free. He ran into PP to stop the abortion, but standard procedure at PP was to tell clients it was too late to back out. (Which, by the way is bullshit.)

    I hope Trump will do whatever he can to prevent the serial killers of PP from plying their scalpels.

  2. PJ,
    Not even Trump can stop the Death Dealers from plying their trade.
    But what he CAN do is stop from picking our pockets to fund their abortion clinics. And the gubberment funding is only about 5%? 10%? of their total budget. So they tighten their bonuses?

  3. @D.Woodman

    I know. It will take massive conversion and healing of heart and loosing false compassion for abortion to cease.

    I’ve out of the pro-life movement for a long time now. Wonder if anyone knows where the Mexico City Policy stands now.

  4. Join folks from dozens of Christian faiths, who pray the Rosary outside PP abortuarys. Shocking to see so many young ladies walk thru the door showing zero emotion. Different story on the way out though. Most are crying so hard they have trouble standing.

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