A woman crashes a Bernie rally, yanks the microphone away, and asks him to “stop propping up the dairy industry and animal agriculture.”
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 16, 2020
25 Comments on Crazy young woman gets close to crazy old man
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Did she do her own lipstick?
Great group of supporters.
If Bernie has his way, we’ll be eating zoo animals in the near future and this loon will see her dreams come true.
If the Mad Hatter gave up farm animals he would have no love life!
Check out the other angle. Naked chicks!
Show the other young lady at the Bernie rally, not sure if she was protesting the dairy industry but She showed the crowd her utters.
“She showed the crowd her utters.”
no one noticed since the whole crowd was a bunch of boobs
She just wanted to flash her boobs at the biggest boob of all. What a bunch of udderly disgusting stupid chicks. Did anyone look to see if Bernie got a boner looking at those boobs or is he too old to get it up anymore. He’s too old to cut the mustard anymore.
“Hey Burnie, Show Us Your Nuts”
(Camera Pans Audience)
Why don’t we let them loose on one of the free ranges. That way they can live like cows and subsequently die like cows. It’s a teachable moment times 2
Idiots do idiotic things – that’s why they’re idiots!
BS is an idiot magnet.
One gigantic idiot gathering all the idiots to him.
Sorta like the lemmings following the Grand Vizier of idiot lemmings over the cliff.
izlamo delenda est …
Shouldn’t that be Grand Brassiere leading all those idiot topless lemmings over the cliff.
Petrus FEBRUARY 17, 2020 AT 9:06 AM
“Check out the other angle. Naked chicks!”
…should not be of interest to anyone regardless, for their own safety.
Never stick your dick in crazy.
Who TF has Bern’s security? Not that I care, but cripes, anyone could walk up to him and do anything.
Just wait. He is supposed to be in Tacoma today. The self-important pieces of shit are guaranteed to act out in ways that would embarrass any self respecting three year old.
geoff the aardvark FEBRUARY 17, 2020 AT 9:13 AM
She just wanted to flash her boobs at the biggest boob of all. What a bunch of udderly disgusting stupid chicks. Did anyone look to see if Bernie got a boner looking at those boobs or is he too old to get it up anymore. He’s too old to cut the mustard anymore.
If you’re too old to cut the mustard anymore you can at least still lick the jar…
Doesn’t AOC have anything better to do?
Questions I would like to hear at one of these rallies:
How many took time off work to be here today?
How much do “you” expect to pay, for your Universal Heath Care?
Will Congress also have to participate in Universal Heath Care?
How much money have you and your family made as a Public Servant?
Will your Universal Heath Care have a Death Panel? And do you qualify?
Leading him off the stage worked really well, until he decided he needed another look..
That’s our Bernie!
Mental illness.
“Birds of a feather flock together.”
Just say’in.
All I can think of is the Japanese patriot who skewered the communist politician on stage with a SWORD to prevent their decent into madness.
Bernie just needs a shove for a deadly broken hip.
Oh yeah, old Bernie’s a real Chick Magnet ain’t he?
… more like a magnet for a bunch of pissed-off Whackos!
Meanwhile they got Tin Lizzy the Cherokee Magnet and Sneaky Pete the Chuck Magnet in the party of Misfits-Я-Us!
The real question is: Which one has bigger boobs?
“Burn Baby, Burn” Bernie could care less about those chicks boobs, he was frantic because he was obsessed with finishing his “Socialism is wonderful” speech, so idiot Millennial boobs in the audience will vote for him.