Creative and Accurate – IOTW Report

Creative and Accurate


7 Comments on Creative and Accurate

  1. “You have 46 days to change the world, 46 days to make possible every dream you dream for your country and your state. You can deliver justice for every forgotten man, woman and child in this nation. The arrogance of Washington, D.C., will soon come face to face with the righteous verdict of the American voter – and that’s you. We will show the world that America is back, bigger and stronger than ever before.”
    Donald J. Trump 9/24/16

  2. Hillary is already in prison. She’s also been in Hell for decades. Sure. She lives in a nice house and has plenty of dough, but who amongst us would trade down our lives in order to live hers?

    I don’t pity her. I’m just one of millions that despise her. And she knows that millions despise her. She’s an empty soul.

  3. Hmmmmm. Where can a person get ‘Hillary for Prison’ bumper stickers for bicycles? Would love to spend an entire day attaching them to bicycles in Portland. Just think, 10 or 12 thousand dumb asses run off the road that night by even dumber Hildabeast supporters.

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