Creeps Posing as a Family Pimped Out Adopted Boys to Others – IOTW Report

Creeps Posing as a Family Pimped Out Adopted Boys to Others


The adoptive fathers, 33-year-old government worker William Dale Zulock Jr. and 35-year-old banker Zachary “Zack” Jacoby Zulock—who was previously accused of raping a child—from Oxford, Georgia, have been indicted by a grand jury on charges of incest, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, felony sexual exploitation of children, and felony prostitution of a minor.

William and Zachary are each facing over nine life sentences. They’ve pleaded not guilty. Additional

18 Comments on Creeps Posing as a Family Pimped Out Adopted Boys to Others

  1. “Nine life sentences”
    F**K the dumb shite.
    Life sentences = multiple appeals, early release by LibTard judges.
    And TOO MUCH money wasted on prison space, guards pay & benefits, Gooberment time & paperwork, etc.
    Just grab ’em and use ’em as the final step of the “Pedo Realignment Kit: Rope, Tall Tree/Lamppost, Pedo; Some Assembly Required”.

  2. Now excuse me while I find a nearby trashcan……
    This story makes me ill.
    I’m hoping that the boys can be counseled and “cured” to be able to live a semi-normal life.
    But with as much as has been done to them, I doubt it.
    As the twig has been bent, so grows the tree.
    Those two boys will need therapy and watching for the rest of their natural lives. All due to the state Gooberment that rushed through the adoption and wanted to look “inclusive” and “diverse”.
    Saaaaayyy…….maybe the state Gooberment agents that approved the adoptions should be included as part of the “Pedo Realignment Kit”.

  3. With the right lawyer and the right judge they’ll walk or get probation. The Demcoms want their behavior to be normalized.

    Do not doubt me on this. (A bit of a tribute to Rush who I miss greatly.)

  4. From Politico

    Scenes from a celebration of the same-sex marriage law — at Mar-a-Lago

    “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala.

    “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” the former president and 2024 candidate said. “With the help of many of the people here tonight in recent years, our movement has taken incredible strides, the strides you’ve made here is incredible.” Donald J. Trump, 12/16/2022 05:58 PM EST

    I read the faggot article yesterday in its entirety. I have no words for these homosexuals or any for that matter. Whoever embraces their lifestyle, that’s where that person’s mind is at. It’s incompatible with God’s world. He despised it so much that he destroyed cities over it. I have no use for those who embrace faggotry. I refuse to look the other way.

  5. Reading this report I could only think about how awful and life ruining the abuse that those two innocent boys have endured at the hands of these evil, degenerate, pieces of human waste, LBGQT monsters who are the reality about how gays should not be allowed to adopt children. A just punishment for these two breech loaders would be to send them to the worst and most violent prison in the US, put them in General Population and circulate flyers about what they did with their pictures amongst the inmates and let them endure savage abuse and a painful death. That is the least they deserve. No doubt they are registered communist death democrats. Makes one’s blood boil when you read these reports.

  6. There’s a part two, but I literally got sick after part one, can’t read anymore. They have videos, they don’t deserve a trial, shove the biggest ball bat you can find up their rectums, cut off their penis and testicles and let them slowly bleed to death.
    Quit adopting kids to queers. Queers are sick and should not be allowed to have children, whether through adoption or getting surrogates.

  7. are we in the pit of the slippery slope now?

    first gay people said all they wanted was to be able to get married to the one they loved, then they said they wanted to have a family too, & then they were allowed to adopt children

    each time this exact issue was brought up and it was said to be absolutely preposterous & hateful
    tell that to those two little boys that have been mentally, physically, and sexually abused


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