Creepy Joe – IOTW Report

Creepy Joe

I always found this picture of Joe and Ashley creepy, and this was way before his hair sniffing and groping and kissing of young girls.

I had no reason to believe Joe was a creep, and didn’t think he was. I don’t know why this picture gave off a weird vibe, and perhaps I’m being too judgmental.

But if Ashley’s diary is authentic, she expressed being concerned that she may have been showering with her dad.

16 Comments on Creepy Joe

  1. Probably best I stay off this one.

    But I really, really hope that beyond any reasonable expectation that the machinations of a capricious God bring Joe and I together for even a short time, whether it’s before the Civil War, or during it, I’ve got some, eh, “opinions” I’d like to share with him…

    …yep, best I stay off this one.

    Safety First…

  2. I don’t know why the photographer ran with that particular picture anyway.
    Should have told her to put her hands down [and stop lifting her shorts] and then took the photo. So odd. She’s not 2 years old and doesn’t know any better.

  3. Brown Eyed Girl
    OCTOBER 30, 2020 AT 11:37 AM
    “Where was her mother when all this was going on?”

    …I do not know these people or that woman, but I can offer some generic insight from the perspective of having to deal with this for a number of years, and already did on a different thread, if you want one possible “take” on that question…

    …just know that the poison molesters have don’t stop at their sexual victims.

    The word “predator” makes a LOT of sense when describing these degenerates.

    Because EVERYONE’S their victim, and the damage goes far, far beyond their initial assaultee.

  4. The Granddaughter was lifting up her skirt too. So evil and gross. I agree with you 100% SNS. That jill knew what he was doing to the children. That whole family is slime covered. If there was justice he would get what was coming to him. I can’t take looking at any of them. Sick and twisted sub humans.

  5. If you read the Washingtonian article add that picture sprinkle in Ashley’s diary. You can see Joe got issues. We said he wants a woman to adore him. Not he wants to adore a woman. When you want woman to adore you, you are open to getting any woman or girl to do the adoring. He also talks about how he satisfied his wife, he believe this is how one gets a woman to adore you. That’s my dime store psychoanalysis (I do have a masters in Psychology, but that and 3.50 gets me a cup of spiders, or whatever Joe would say).

  6. Joe Biden, the Delaware congressman who takes his pubescent granddaughters to Victoria’s Secret for their Christmas shopping.
    “Pick something nice out and let me see you in it to make sure it fits”


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