Creepy Joe Can’t Stop – IOTW Report

Creepy Joe Can’t Stop

20 Comments on Creepy Joe Can’t Stop

  1. Please, dads, listen to your child’s body language!

    That little girl put up a protecting hand and she drew back from that creepy old man.

    But this dad just continues to “offer his child up,” as Thirdtwin says.

    It only encourages the pedo.

    And hurts the child in ways you can’t see.

  2. It is plain that this guy is desperate not to be FULLY exposed as one of the five most corrupt figures EVER in American life.

    He knows what’s coming in 2020 from AG Barr’s office.

  3. Dad’s a bit of a soy boy and that’s why he can’t recognize the pedo threat.

    Red Meat brothers. It keeps the senses sharp and the aggression high.

  4. A good parent would say, “please don’t kiss my childs ear and whisper in it. Please stop grabbing her elbow so hard. If you don’t then I’ll be forced to USE force.”

    But I guess having a D in front of your name makes all democratic voters forget how to protect their children.

  5. If this sick POS ever put his hands on my child I would take the required steps to protect my child, plain and simple.

    There is way too much evidence out there showing him feeling up underage children for me to EVER let this disgusting pedophile anywhere near my child.

    I would make a stronger statement of intent but I do not want to end up on the wrong side of a legal demoncrat response so I will keep my comment clean….this time.

  6. You must understand the Demonrats mindset, to be a Demonrat you must submit to Satan. This pedophilic pervert may as well have horns on his head…

    Just watch that video with a discerning eye and you can feel the evil radiating off his ancient carcass. Yet knowing Pedo Joe’s reputation this quisling forces his child past her god given aversion to evil while some women coos.

    It’s all so satanic you can hardly watch. If PDJT was to put together a commercial montage of Handsy Grabby uncle Joe (Black Conservative Patriot) moments around young children of both genders with the tag line “Would you really vote for a man like this” he would further isolate Pedo Joe from the independent vote.

    This rotting elderly pervert is going to die from a stroke soon and will never be the nominee even though his perversions pale in comparison to the the eventual nominee (the Lizard Queen).

    Further proof that the Demonrat party is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lucifer himself.

  7. The Chinese Communist Nomenklatura offered their toddler girls to Mao as sex toys.
    Part of the nihilist mindset – everything exists to serve as your prop.

    If you can get a larger apartment by letting Mao have his way with your toddler, that’s a small price to pay – in fact, it costs you nothing. If you can get a promotion by offering Beria your wife to screw, all well and good – it costs you nothing. If you can prostitute your son to the local Imam for an extra helping of camel dung, all well and good – it costs you nothing.

    Amoral more than immoral. There exists no morality to contravene. Existenz is amassing power over your fellows and subjecting them to unnatural cruelties – simply because you can. The socialists (National, International, Italian, &c.) didn’t torture to gain information or insight, but because it’s their RIGHT – and they enjoy it.

    They see Joey as a means to an end. Their daughters are disposable commodities.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Biden should have faded away, and his MONSTEROUS corruption might have never been publiciized as it has. Perhaps he knows too well what is coming with AG Barr and Durham’s investigation and he DESPERATELY wants to get out in front of it, to make it seem a political, not a criminal investigation.

    Biden must have A LOT to cover-up. Most likely, we have only scratched the surface. Biden’s plan has backfired.

    No wonder obama didn’t want biden to run!

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