Creepy Joe Pulls Off The Weirdest Whisper Yet During Naval Academy Graduation Ceremony – IOTW Report

Creepy Joe Pulls Off The Weirdest Whisper Yet During Naval Academy Graduation Ceremony

Blue State Conservative: I am paraphrasing here, but there is a line in Game of Thrones attributed to Tywin Lannister that any man who has to tell his subjects he is king is no true king at all. 

If you have to tell someone in charge, you’re really not telling them so much as trying to convince yourself. We all know, and Joe Biden knows, that he isn’t in charge of this country – heck, he isn’t even in charge of his bowel movements – but Biden has to convince himself. He sold his soul for the last fifty years to reach this pinnacle and he can’t not believe he’s President.

That’s how you end up with moments like this. 

14 Comments on Creepy Joe Pulls Off The Weirdest Whisper Yet During Naval Academy Graduation Ceremony

  1. Asshole Joe, in the same speech claimed he was appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965, which would’ve been a good trick since he (supposedly) graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965. He’d have been too old. And why would he attempt to go to four more years of college starting at the age of 22 when he just graduated college? Dopey Joe just makes up any old bullshit and tosses it out there, consequence free. Imagine if Trump had told such a fib.

  2. The same philosophy applies to organizations like BLM, Gay Pride, all these dumb ass pride months for blacks, Hispanics etc. If you have to shout how great your niche is maybe its time to look in the mirror and admit you have some repairs to make

  3. That’s the same voice he used when he pinned Tara Reade against the wall and assaulted her. Every day of this fraudster’s occupation of Trump’s Presidency is another Dementia Appreciation Day.

  4. If joey had graduated from the Naval Academy and become a Navy officer, he would’ve been a bigger prick and total fuckup than John McCain and John Kerry were combined. He would’ve had an excuse for everything, and it would always be not his fault but the fault of the peons/enlisted men and NCO’s who served under him.

  5. No doubt this is how FJB ‘whispers’ as he molested his then minor-age-daughter and how he creepily ‘whispers’ to unsuspecting ethnic races he schemes to exterminate. Absolutely NOTHING the chronically lying and dikless FJB says or does must be believed. ZERO.

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