Creepy Tip Jar Thieving Bint Identified – IOTW Report

Creepy Tip Jar Thieving Bint Identified

For some reason a video that was posted back in August went viral 2 days ago. It was a video of three people in the backseat of an Uber car.

The girl in the middle, which I thought looked like a tranny, snatches the money out of the driver’s tip jar and runs away with her companions.

Since the video blew up it only took 24hours before the c-word was identified.

Gabrielle Canales. (The internet sleuths are good.)

She says, stupidly, “it was only five dollars, and I gave it back.”

The “giving it back” part seems to be a lie. And when she took the money she had no idea how much she grabbed, so that point is meaningless.

31 Comments on Creepy Tip Jar Thieving Bint Identified

  1. Cheap hookers steal. No surprise.

    It’s Uber. They had all her personal info when she booked the ride.

    Elsewhere I read the driver got almost no support from Uber, that she never returned the $ nor replied to his messages, nor Uber’s.

  2. I’ll go way out on a limb and guess this is not her first time snatching cash from tip jars.
    And wallets of sleeping Craigslist hookups.
    And anything else not nailed down.

  3. By the way, as I’ve pointed out before, legitimate cab companies (like Yellow Cab) protect both their drivers AND their customers in case of wrongdoing.

    Always remember: You get what you pay for, folks.

  4. Remember when you could do stupid things, and none of it was recorded?

    I’m sure everyone on here is DAMN GLAD he/she was not caught doing stupid things and being charged, having your name / photo splashed all over the internet.

    Employer does a name search, “Oh, so, you did THAT stupid thing, no thanks!” Now you know why companies want to hire foreigners. The Americans have all been caught doing things or getting fired from doing things.

  5. $5 or $50? I would believe the driver in court. And what is up with all these Uber stories? I don’t know a single person that uses Uber or Lyft. Nor drives for them, do you? Please share. I’m curious.

  6. I didn’t do this shit when I was young. I was a Boy Scout back in the 50’s that meant something.
    Never been arrested
    Don’t smoke
    Don’t drink
    No drugs
    Not everyone is a criminal when they were young

  7. I read that both Uber & Lyft barred Laura Loomer from there service for complaining that there were too many muslim drivers. The companies may be private entities who can do what they want, but since muslims are a minority and so many drivers are muslim then there may be coordinated effort to block nonmuslims from competing.

  8. Here our Yellow Cab’s and others are nothing but Muslim’s , and Uber drivers are young Americans ! meaning they bathe and aren’t day dreaming of chopping your head off at red lights !!!

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