Criminal, Violent Punk, Thug, Rotten Citizen Called “Good Kid” By Delusional Family – IOTW Report

Criminal, Violent Punk, Thug, Rotten Citizen Called “Good Kid” By Delusional Family


Duluth police were called to St. Luke’s hospital around 10:30 p.m. on the report of a possible gunshot victim. The female reported to police that a male named Auso had shot at her outside the Lincoln Park residence.

The victim stated she was getting a tattoo in the apartment belonging to the mother of Dufault’s child. She said she and a friend went to a bedroom to talk when, “out of nowhere,” Dufault and three other males entered the room.

The female said she saw what she believed to be a revolver before she was hit in the back of the head with a gun. The victim stated that Dufault was “barking orders” to the other males, telling them to take her possessions. She emptied her pockets, giving them a phone and $350 in cash.

The victim said Dufault then told her to leave. As she was doing so, she was punched in the head. The victim and her friend then ran to their vehicle, which was being driven by another friend.

The victim reported that she got in the passenger seat and told the friend to drive away as fast as she could. In the process, she told police, she saw Dufault point a firearm at her and shoot at least three times, leaving a hole in the windshield.

The victim was brought to a friend’s home and then driven to the hospital. She had a bleeding wound on the back of her head, which was caused by being punched or pistol-whipped, and a circular red mark on her right temple that may have been the result of being grazed by a bullet.

Officers inspected the vehicle and confirmed that a bullet appeared to have ricocheted off the hood before penetrating the windshield. The victim also identified Dufault in a photo lineup.

Dufault was arrested April 29


Now he’s dead.

‘He was just a child’: Ceremony held for teen who died Monday in Lincoln Park

Dufault had recently been charged as an adult with aggravated first-degree robbery and second-degree assault after allegedly opening fire outside an apartment building on April 23 — near where he was found dead Monday morning at 2:47 a.m.

“He was more than just his mug shot,” said indigenous organizer Taysha Martineau. “He was a really kind soul. He was funny. He was just a child.”


Naaaaaa. He was rotten.

ht/ joe6pak

30 Comments on Criminal, Violent Punk, Thug, Rotten Citizen Called “Good Kid” By Delusional Family


    I KNEW that buzz-word would make it into the story. Somehow, “Assault Rifle” and “Pistol Whipped” are 10x worse than just saying, semi-auto rifle, and hit in the head, respectively.

    Lord I hate the media just for that brainwashing alone.

  2. Maybe its just me but it seems that the majority of people with facial and neck tattoos indicate a certain mental instability. I’m always wary when around these types. They cease to be children when they seek out the gangsta life style. They are a danger to the civilized people who obey laws and need to be exterminated along with the rest of the cucarachas.

  3. Sadly, another Democrat voter gone before his time – which in this case is the year 2020. But as the Dems transfer his status to the dead voter rolls, they can be consoled by the fact that there is no actual felony conviction which needs to be erased.

  4. He was gon bees a rocket sturgeon
    he alwass gib his momma cookies an shit an brunged home summa da swag
    he on-lee raped his momma twicet not like dem uthahs boyz in da hood – an he din’t not hit er in de haid

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I went to high school up by there. We played against the Duluth schools in sports and never saw any tattoos at all. Looks like Minnesota is becoming a shithole state.

  6. Ahhh, he’s a good kid n’ shit. I’m sure an xray would reveal many strong feels all up in his chest cavity and sternum area.

    I’m sure if we attached some cameras to a few bullets that we could pump a few rounds in his boyish and childlike tattooed body and confirm his holiness.

  7. Looks like one of those Pacific Islander shit people. They can be absolutely horrible, with the most horrendous sense of personal entitlement you never want to run into.

  8. Dull-youth have certainly grown…
    Winter must finally be over up there. Hard to be a street thug when you’re wearing 50lbs of clothing.
    Lived in Superior and worked in Dull-youth for 30 years. Full of Maoists. And now garden variety thugs.

  9. According to statistics, the world is safer by one one billionth . His demise saved others and cut incarceration costs and reduced future potential Democrat Presidential candidates by one.

  10. Bad people like to pose their defiance in mug shots. It doesn’t scare anyone, certainly not the police. But they display their stupidity by thinking it scares people.


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