Criminals Are So Emboldened By Lax DAs One Used a Blowtorch in a NYC Walgreens To Get At Locked Items – IOTW Report

Criminals Are So Emboldened By Lax DAs One Used a Blowtorch in a NYC Walgreens To Get At Locked Items

12 Comments on Criminals Are So Emboldened By Lax DAs One Used a Blowtorch in a NYC Walgreens To Get At Locked Items

  1. My version of Utopia, when this happens, somebody walks up and puts a bullet in this guy’s left ear then calmly walks away and all the bystanders look at themselves and say, “Oh well”.

  2. Meh. Only the “broad daylight” part is new. And that “blowtorch” is weak sauce, that’s a pipe sweater at best.

    …One time when I was working for Kmart, probably around ’85, they suddenly told us we had to lock the oxy/acetylene torch regulators we used for exhaust work in the auto shop up in the Company safe every night. Come to find out it was because someone in a different store broke into the attached garage like we had, wheeled the torch cart to the office, then used it to burn both the door and the safe open. I always thought that spoke more to lax security than anything else that guy had time to do all that in peace, but this was before motion detectors and mega surveillance Internet camera setups and they were a chintzy outfit anyway, so it didn’t really surprise even younger me.

    At least that guy used an ACTUAL cutting torch.

    THIS guy would have been better off using some decent snips than that chinky BernzOmatic solderer, all he was doing was melting the plastic face around the hardware, the locks themselves were probably undamaged.

    But it is showy and you can use it to intimidate a would-be hero, or burn his face with if need be, so there’s that.

    It should ALSO elevate this to ARSON, which in a sane world would be automatic prison stretch all by itself.

    …too bad this isn’t a sane world…

  3. Around here they lock up fake nails and hair extensions. And razor blades. None of it makes any sense. There are about 14 negroes in a 200 mile radius, and damn near ever man (did I just assume gender?) has a beard.

    I do find that women steal men’s razor blades. I put a stop to THAT shit by changing to double edge razor blades. HAA-HAA!

  4. Dumbassious Felonius Smiff-Jones- Johnson III AT 11:55 PM
    “Around here they lock up fake nails and hair extensions. And razor blades. None of it makes any sense. There are about 14 negroes in a 200 mile radius, and damn near ever man (did I just assume gender?) has a beard.”

    …that’s just corporations being corporations. The bigger they get the harder it is to think on the store level.

    …another thing that happened while I was working for K-Mart was that some disgruntled customer in a store thousands of miles away took advantage of the fact that the auto centers had “pop-hole” exhaust control systems which were simply round swinging metal doors at the base of the roll-up garage doors so you could put an exhaust hoee on a car and shove it out this literal hole and not die when running a car in the shop in the winter. Some person for reasons known only to themseleves went to a store one night, pushed a bunch of leaves and twigs through the pop hole, then set them on fire. Not a lot of fire damage but a lot of smoke damage, so even though this happened ONCE at an urban store that we definitely were NOT, Corporate put out an edict that we had to add padlocks to all the pop holes and ohly a manager could unlock them.

    Another one when I went to work for Sears Auto (when those were different companies) was that, when Al Gore started destroying the Freon industry (a product safe enough to squirt directly into ASTHMATIC LUNGS as the propellant for Albuteral, BTW), the Company found air conditioning to be too lucrative a business to let go of, and there were provisions at the time that IF you bought expensive reclamation equipment, and IF you had people get official bunny-hugger certification cards from a Federally recognized source, and IF you used short jesses with cutoff valves on your gauge set, you COULD continue using R-12 Freon until the auto industry completed transitioning. The Company did all that, invested in training and equipment in HUNDREDS of stores…then some cocksucking AG in New Joisy or some such Godless place decided he could make a name for himself by taking on a big, evil corporation (and Sears WAS big at the time, believe it or not). So he sent assholes to auto centers in his district to harass employees, try to pester and browbeat them into doing stuff like saying “I don’t have a lot of time, can you just check it for me real quick PLEASE?” complete with threats about “going to your manager”, etc., so eventually they found ONE GUY who put his gauges on ONE CAR without the short extensions on them and BAM! The state closed the shop for SIX MONTHS, fined Corporate hundreds of thousands, and kept them in court trying to explain how it wasn’t their fault annd they wouldn’t do it again in the HUNDREDS of stores they had.

    That killed it. Corporate exited AC business THAT DAY, ordering all the stores to have their reclaimation equipment drained by a hazmat company and then hammer them into scrap and toss them in the dumpster.

    Another Sears one was that, as a Corporate store, you couldn’t be DIFFERENT. It was steady work but it was hard to evolve your skills outside the box. Case in point, I learned some locksmith stuff and had a LOT of equipment, and one day a guy came in with his ignition lock not working correctly. I got with my boss and we offered to fix it on an hourly basis and did so. He was happy, we were happy, and that was a little side line we offered for awhile.

    Then one day a Corporate guy digging through the papers found out about it and demanded we stop it. Seems that we couldn’t support that throughout the Sears system, so if the guy had a problem and took it to a different Sears store, they wouldn’t necessarily be able to fix it. True enough, but since the alternative was that they train people in, again, HUNDREDS of stores, they decided the game wasn’t worth the candle and made us quit offering it.

    Corporates be like that.

    Now, in modern Woke times, if Walgreens were to lock such things up ONLY in Black areas, you can well imagine the indignant frothing that would come from the poverty pimp class, the BLM marches, the condemnations from the witless Pedo House on how rayciss it all is, or in your case from Blackface Trudeau himself. Corporations aren’t ALLOWED to treat different stores differently as it might ‘offend’ someone, so they end up again offering all or not at all, and in this case chose all.

    It manifests in other ways too, like the Multinational company I work for now only offers blanket percentage raises with no performance evaluation required and no incentive for high producers, but again, that would require evaluations and treating people differently that would have to be justified to a thousand different Woke government agents in a bunch of different countries, so it’s just simpler for them to be full Socialist in the capitalist pay raises, so that’s what they do.

    It’s not the best way to do it, but its the ONLY way they can survive in a Communist ruined world.

  5. Dumbassious Felonius Smiff-Jones- Johnson III:

    If they only locked up that stuff in black neighborhood stores, they would be charged as racists by the Al Sharpton gang. So now the can say “see, we lock them up everywhere, including the white neighborhood.”

  6. It might take a man or 2 to walk over there and just stand next to him and when the perp gets annoyed and pushes one of them or “assaults” one of them, then you take him down and he can be arrested for assualt and the 2 guys can press charges. But nobody will do that.


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