Critical Race Theory’s Means to an End Is Going to End Meanly – IOTW Report

Critical Race Theory’s Means to an End Is Going to End Meanly


What happens when systemic suppression happens to the majority? America is about to find out. White kids have been drinking in the critical theory while simultaneously de-Christianizing, and since they, too, now view the world through this lens, they’re coming to the obvious conclusion: Being white is bad (some, mostly daft girls, think being bad is good) and white people are at the bottom. Being at the bottom is no fun especially when previously one didn’t believe in a top or bottom at all. More

9 Comments on Critical Race Theory’s Means to an End Is Going to End Meanly

  1. OK, I’m a white male posing as a black Mexican Oriental trans pretending I’m a lesbian. I guess it’s OK to say I’m a cross dresser so that gives me the privilege to identify as a Demoncrat voting for some dumb fvck for president. Oh, never mind I just discovered I do not have a vagina what ever that is…

  2. White privilege? People who pay all of the bills earn all of the privilege.
    White supremacy? Yes, I acknowledge regality.
    Reparations? Remember the “one drop rule”. After 350 years in America there is a very good chance my DNA test will reveal a drop.

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