Critics Try To Spoil Melania’s “Woman of Distinction” Recognition – IOTW Report

Critics Try To Spoil Melania’s “Woman of Distinction” Recognition

A small Christian school in Florida, Palm Beach Atlantic University, announced that Melania Trump would receive their “Woman of Distinction” award.

Critics were quick to attack the recognition, claiming the first lady didn’t qualify for the honor and that the Trumps bought off the school to grant the award to Melania.

Others on Twitter seemed to miss the irony when they attempted to bully the first lady for her efforts to fight cyber bulling. Here 

16 Comments on Critics Try To Spoil Melania’s “Woman of Distinction” Recognition

  1. It is difficult to argue that Melania is not a woman of distinction. You pretty much have to reveal your full force hatred for America, our President and the American dream and its people to take that position.

    I don’t have night sweats over Melania, although she’s an elegant woman. but I do admire her success after escaping a socialist hellhole.

    Her life story is quite remarkable.

    Unlike the previous first lady, the silverback grumbler, who felt entitled and hated her country and most of its people.

  2. Melania’s ability to absorb the abuse given her without retaliating in kind is class in itself. The left and those suffering from extreme TDS could learn a lesson from her. A great role model.

  3. Hillary stole all the furniture in the White House – that’s distinktive.
    Mooch brought her freeloading mother to the White House – that’s distinktive.
    Melania is a classy lady – that’s distinctive.

  4. Hillary stole all the furniture in the White House – that’s di-stink-tive.
    Mooch brought her freeloading mother to the White House – that’s di-stink-tive.
    Melania is a classy lady – now that’s Distinctive.

  5. Melania Trump is stunningly gorgeous, stylish, classy, smart and rich, and now married to the most powerful man in the world. The most beautiful First Lady in U.S. history. Hundreds of millions of people around the world adore her. Let the losers snipe. They only make themselves look pathetic.


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