Images from:
1) Marco (Miguel and Frankie) My daughter’s young cat and her old dog.
2) Col. Angus (Hannah) Speaking of ears, how about a pair that would look more at home on a kangaroo or donkey.
3) Jeannine (Frank)
4) Old Guy (Violet) with what appears to be ears on fire.
5) Jethro (Rabbit) My daughters rabbit with long ears.
6) Doug Wakeman (Biscuit) This is our little Biscuit.
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
2-11 Valentines Day – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON – What did your critters give you?
2-18 Critter Selfies – Ok, you might have to help them here
2-25 You’re My Buddy – Do your critters have best buddies? Let’s see them!
Very nice photos, contributors, thanks!
Bravo (with the clapping intensity of Charles Foster Kane). Great pics, Claudia!
Man with those ears you’d have to drive two counties over just to open your favorite snack. I kid, I kid!
I live alone in this house except for the ghosts and demons that haunt the place. Thank God the spirit and memories of my Golden still show up to save me when needed.
Great pics as usual.
@Col. Angus, would advise learning American sign language if you want to get anything past Hannah without her knowing. And leave your car windows up because her head out the window will likely affect your mileage.
(she’s gorgeous)
Lovely bunch today, Lady C, wish I wasn’t distracted last week or I would have sent you a cocked ear shot from my own guy, who really has a look. But you have so many cuties here already there’d scarcely be room. Maybe I’ll send it anyway, you can throw it in the archives if it comes up later, but what you have is already great.
Happy Sunday,
YES, please do! I always save pictures to use for later themes! – Claudia
Great pics. Thanks all!
@Jeannine, Franks a spitting image of a cat my grandparents had many years ago. Including the extra toes if my eyes are working right. He was a very cool cat. Brings back fond memories.
Love this post!
Miguel & Frankie are adorable!
Hannah probably heard me type this out! Wow, sheβs a beauty!
Frank looks like a sweetie. Love the extra toes!
Violet looks like my sweet Mittsy, a polydactyl sweetie.
Awe, Rabbit and the Easter basket!
And Biscuit looks ready to take on the world!
Hug your critters. Thanks for sharing!
Whelp … the ears have it!
Thanks, Claudia!
Beautiful set!
Cat “I dont hear nuthin.”
Dog “Shut up cat.”
My border collie Kirby’s ears are like radar, he hears everything moving outside when inside and his ears are constantly moving to pick up every sound of even the slightest movement that he has to go outside to investigate and bark at.
π π
Great Critters!
One of my favorite things to look at on Sundays
Pix nbr 1, Miguel and Frankie. Cats will do anything or go anywhere to get warm, even under a dog’s ear. They are originally Sahara desert animals, so I have read, that found good careers by killing mice and rats who were ruining the grain stocks of ancient Egyptians. And this is how, I surmise, they attained a revered status. I think God heard the pleas of the people and created the small cats to help them control the rodents.
And good dog Miguel for putting up with the cat under his hat.
@Tim Buktu
Another Grreat One
“Valentines Day β What did your critters give you?”
…whelp, it wasn’t chocolate, THAT’S for sure…;)
@Mix Master
Thank you kindly, sir.
Nope, there are 2 things that dogs absolutely cannot have chocolate and onions. My mom not knowingly killed our beagle mix Jones by feeding him chocolate back in the early 70’s. He should’ve lived more than 10 or more years, but his love of chocolate killed him. And boy did he ever love chocolate.