Images from:
1 & 2 Supernightshade (Mini) She’s old, she sleeps a lot like an old human, but looks a LOT cuter doing it.
3 Buster Brown, From the top, going clockwise we have Landon, Millie, Kippa, and Carley.
4 Old guy (Violet)
5 Doug Wakeman (Emma and Domino) Emma often sleeps this way. Domino is always close by.
6 & 7 Truckbuddy (Sammy) [Picture #7]: Sorry it’s conventional. He uses a pillow. [OK, I had to use both; unconventional and conventional!]
Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:
They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.
Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!
NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for.
- Critters riding in vehicles – Please have your pictures in to me by Friday Noon.
- Mother’s Day Critters
- This Is My Place! – Where are your critters favorite places to survey their kingdom? – Theme idea from Blink.
Thanks, everyone!
Good morning!
Sammy does the #6 too.
Thanks Claudia. Peaceful critters.
Awwwwww …
Sunshine on Sunday!
Thanks Ms. C.
They’re all good dogs and photos! I think I’ll go take a nap.
Thanks Claudia.
They’re all so precious! Thanks Claudia and iotw bloggers
Happy Sunday! Good morning all.
Thank you,
Sometimes I wonder how all these pets get so much accomplished. All those hours sleeping. They must be carefully planning what to do when they wake up.
…don’t let her fool you, Mini may not be young, may have hip displaysia, and be blind, but she still finds LOTS of time to boss the other dogs and humans around…on HER schedule…
…that’s not sleeping, that’s recharging. You’re looking at 3 pounds 10 ounces of the Queen of all she surveys in those first two pictures…
…fun fact: that chair Mini is in says, a bit higher up on it, “PRINCESS” with a crown on it. We got that at a specialty pet shop in Gatlinberg, and she KNEW it was HERS as soon as we brought it in, and has ruled us from that throne with a small iron paw ever since…
Man’s best friend… cuz Man has couches!
Wish I had a picture of my daughter’s Shiba Inu who like to sleep under the covers with her head on the pillow.
Love them all! So cute!
I wanna get into the middle of that Doxie pile!
TRF – And SNAX!!
I sleep like Mini. But I’m no where near that cute.
Good snoozy mornin’ all…
Emma looks like she’s posing!
Thanks C!
Pets warm our hearts in such special ways. Thank you for another special Sunday morning. Thanks to all who contributed and for Claudia’s efforts.
Today’s critters are like us all here in NY – A Snoozy day! I love how they have their own sleep positions. Love Buster Brown’s quadruplets all cuddled together.
Thank you Claudia!
God Bless us all!!!!
Am the only one that like to ‘bother’ them when they sleep?? Especially knowing that they are very capable of going right back to sleep!!
Case in point, that Violet there, so cute. Just want to rub those little pads she has. Great kitty name btw.
Emma – I want to hold a strip of bacon over her nose and see how long it would take to wake up ‘to the smell of bacon’ on a CritterSunday…
Mini – her ears are seem as big as her body?!
Sammy – he uses a pillow or YOU use him as he pillow?
Aaah what a bunch of lovable lazy snorers…all of ’em! :>0
Sttreeeetcch. Time to get up!
Everyone all ready to be fed now??? After that long, long nap??
A near midnight snack @C?? A ham and swiss cheese calls right about now.
Sleep, huh. Looks relaxing. I ought to try developing the habit, too.