Critters Celebrate Easter – IOTW Report

Critters Celebrate Easter

Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Many critters are associated with Easter.

Bunny: “Easter comes during spring and celebrates new life.  The Christian meaning of new life through Christ and a general emphasis on new life are different, but the two gradually merged.  Any animals – like the hare – that produced many offspring were easy to include.”

Eggs: “Early Christians looked at the connection eggs had to life and decided eggs could be a part of their celebration of Christ’s resurrection.”

Lamb: “The lamb comes from the Jewish Passover, where each family killed a lamb as a sacrifice.  When Christ became the Passover Lamb for everyone, the lamb became a symbol for His sacrifice.”

To read more about Easter traditions, Click Here.

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23 Comments on Critters Celebrate Easter

  1. Happy Easter, everyone! Beautiful morning here in flyover country! Our windows are open to let in the breeze, the trees and flowers are in full bloom, and the birds are singing. We bought a set of Bunny ears for our dogs, just like some of these pictures from Claudia (thank you, Claudia!) We can’t keep the ears on the dogs long enough to get a photo! The dogs are having none of it!

  2. How does the fox fit into today’s theme?

    I was just waiting for someone to comment on that. I KNEW it would be you, Jethro!
    My take on this is that he is Easter-egg hunting and someone forgot to decorate them.
    Or something like that. hehe – claudia

  3. Great smiles and cheer you give, Cluadia!

    Happy Easter!

    Foxes are a natural for Easter! They’ve enjoyed finding them before coloring them was even an idea!

    That Ferret looks entirely happy to wear the ears. The cat – not so much. lol

    Dadof4, I made my comment to Jethro before I saw your comment! GMTA – claudia

  4. Thank you once again Claudia, it is a joy to be greeted by these pics on every Sunday, especially today.
    You bring smiles to all of us,
    That is an important thing.

  5. Happy Easter to all!

    Fun story, my pit bull with jaws of steel gets chased by the backyard chickens. Sometimes the eggs are put on the ground when unloading the egg boxes and the dog will scoop them up (2 at a time) and hide them (gently drop them) in the yard, unbroken. Egg hunts are more than an annual event around here. 🙂

  6. It is a drizzly day here with the last of the slush moving around on the lake, but there is joy in my heart because it is Easter.

    The Lord is risen, He is risen, indeed! Allelulia!!

    Happy Easter to all my IOTW friends.

  7. Dadof4 – wow.

    The three of us should buy lottery tickets! I always joke about winning the lottery, but never play. Maybe this week, I’ll spring for $1 ticket…

  8. Lol

    i’m reminded of a joke at first her in the lottery became legal in Texas.

    A Man wanted to make a covenant with God. “II will spread the Word across the world. I can be more effective if you let me win the lottery.”


    The man spends his whole life preaching and teaching with never winning the lottery. Once he gets his meeting with God he asks why this was.

    God: Give me a break! You never bought a ticket!

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