Critters Keeping Warm in Winter – IOTW Report

Critters Keeping Warm in Winter

Images from:

1) Old Guy (Verbena and Violet) Critters, keeping warm in winter.
2) Old Guy (Verbena and Violet) in their respective felt houses.
3) Rick (Lucas) Toy Maltese. “No I don’t want to go outside to pee. How’s about showing me how to use that white thing that you use”?
4) Jethro (Gerbil) My daughter’s gerbil crawling out of his well insulated hutch.
5) Cardiff Giant (Manny) Sleeping under the covers.
6) Cardiff Giant (Maisie) Sleeping under the covers
7) SS (Varmints) .. Keeping warm.
8) Sippin’ Coffee (Blitzen) snuggles in until momma returns.

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

2-26 Scales, Feathers and Fur – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Let’s see all kinds of critters
3-5 The Nose Knows – Critter noses! Let’s see how many different critters we can get!
3-12 Don’t Mess With My Internal Clock – Critters who don’t live by human’s timeframes. (Begin DST)

Thanks for your wonderful pictures, contributors!

13 Comments on Critters Keeping Warm in Winter

  1. My son’s dog is going to be put to sleep on Monday. They will come to his house and do it at home. Named Truman, a 12 year old black lab, I kissed him good by last night. Next time get a female cat, the gift that keeps on giving. Keep getting up and moving along, it’s all in the plan

  2. Side note – Trusting a ground hog to judge the weather is stupid.
    They say it predicted 6 more weeks of winter?
    I trust the dozens of robins flying around my house today and the lily plants sprouting throughout my garden. Spring is coming fast!

  3. @Jethro
    Seems same here in GA. Coldest Christmas in 40 years, but been above average temps and near record rainfall ever since. Trees are starting to bud and can’t leave the garage open for 3 minutes before birds bringing stuff in starting a nest. Never know though, the most snow we ever had since I’ve lived here was in late March or early April.


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