Images from:
1 Mansfield Lovell (Augie) Countess Augustina In Her Royal Coach
2 & 3 Poor Lazlo (Angus)
4 Poor Lazlo (Angus) Riding on the highway. Note the harness is hooked into the seat belt.
5 & 6 courtesy of pxhere.com
7 courtesy of unsplash.com
Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:
They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.
Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!
NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for.
- Mother’s Day Critters – Please have your pictures in to me by Friday Noon.
- This Is My Place! – Where are your critter’s favorite places to survey their kingdom?
- Memorial Day – Critters with the US flag, in ‘uniform’, or whatever else you can think of!
Thank you for all your great photos!
Ha ha ha! Love it!
Thanks, Claudia!
are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
I do love seeing our animal friends enjoying themselves … thanks as always, Claudia!
@Poor Lazlo – It’s wonderful you’ve got Angus (pic #4) set up with those goggles!
…Pickup truck, Mossberg seat covers…Augie gonna take you to the Royal Hunting Preserve there, @Mansfield Lovell?
Good stuff here. Happy Sunday iOTWers.
Thank you Claudia.
Picture two
“I thought You said Tutored!!!!”
(H/T Gary Larson)
That must be a mellow cat riding in that car. The only time that I ever gave a cat a ride in my car I had the cat clinging to me tightly in sheer terror before I got the little monster to my parents house because my wife didn’t like cats.
@Geoff the aardvark — There are exceptions! (-:
Mornin’ everyone!
Audgie looks ready to roll, ‘locked in’ and loaded, so to say. Road trip!
And Angus looks like his ready to barnstorm now in a biplane! He just needs one of those white long scarves now…oh and @Poor Lazlo did he just take his bath??
@Geoff – when I saw that pic, I figured that C HAD to have gotten that one from the net!…haha…that cat is extra mellow because…he’s watching the rain.
I can count on one hand the amount of times I have seen a cat in a car and one of those times was to pick up our own Buds in PA from my nephews house and he meowed alllllll the way back to the house.
Thanks C!
3 of our cats loved riding in the motor home and would stretch out on the dash. The 4th one hid under the bed until we stopped for the night.
Ghost, I made a deal with Angus that since living in Mrs. Lazlo’s house requires baths, I would always try to take him swimming in the creeks prior to bath time.
That way he gets to go out and ride in the car, get filthy and wet and all tuckered out, and come home and get all clean and sleep the rest of the day
ghost, your adventure with Buds reminds me of our move-in day last October.
My one sister had three cats and they were shut in the bathroom while all her stuff was moved out of her apartment. After all our movers (great group of people from my church) were gone, she and my brother went to pick up the poor kitties.
As they drove up to the house, we could hear the caterwauling before the car even stopped. As they gathered the three carriers, they kept up the screeching until they were let out to explore their new home.
@PoorLazlo – well NOW then, that look makes even more sense, just that after bath no less, “okay Lazlo, a deal is a deal, lets get going…” Does he always ride shotgun??
That is an awesome backround landscape btw…his favorite scenic route?
He gets shotgun
And a swim before the bath.
And it’s more like: “OK Angus a deal is a deal….Get in the tub”
The top two are him just out of the creek on the way home for a bath
He likes to root around along the bank smelling smells
Have bird dog name Angus. Named him after a grandson Angus. both blond
Awesome! I’m guessing the cat is the only one with the window up?
Love my cats, but they’d jump at some point.
Looks like Angus is saying thank you in his first pic. He’s happy.
Claudia! I fear the foxes re-located and that’s why we aren’t hearing or seeing anything.
How’s the Foxes-in-the-henhouse monitoring going?
Long as you Live
High as you Fly
All you Touch
All you See
All your Life
Forever, B