Crooked Hillary Breaks Promise To Buy Carbon Offsets To Compensate For Her Private Jet Travels – IOTW Report

Crooked Hillary Breaks Promise To Buy Carbon Offsets To Compensate For Her Private Jet Travels

This is what a Hillary presidency would look like – nothing but lies, deceit, hubris and posturing while gilding her personal lifestyle.


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to have broken her promise to run a carbon neutral campaign by purchasing credits to offset all the carbon dioxide emitted from her private jet travel.

The Clinton campaign promised nearly two years ago to go carbon neutral after the former top diplomat was caught flying a private jet the same day she gave a speech on the dangers of man-made global warming.

That promise remains unkept, a Daily Caller News Foundation review of federal election filings found.

America Rising is still keeping track of the days since Clinton made her offset promise. As of Thursday, it’s been more than 724 days since the promise, and no offsets have been bought, according to America Rising’s website.


14 Comments on Crooked Hillary Breaks Promise To Buy Carbon Offsets To Compensate For Her Private Jet Travels

  1. This is what you get from Democrats. Intentions are all that matter. Not results.

    Team Hillary figured making the promise would get all the press. And breaking the promise would be ignored.

    For the most part, they were right.

  2. 🐶 DOG WHISTLE! 🐶

    Don’t worry. As long as the correct buzz-words are crammed into a speech with nothing but FILLER surrounding them, liberals don’t care b/c their feelings and ideology has been affirmed and massaged.

    They don’t actually follow-up and check for compliance.

    🎲 EX:🎲 ************DONALD TRUMP!(snear)*************CARBON FOOTPRINT******************WOMEN’S RIGHTS************************************************GLOBAL WARMING*****************************DIVERSITY***************LBGTQ!********************************INCLUSIVENESS**********************************DISCRIMINATION (scowl). Thank you everyone! Vote for me!
    (wild cheers)

    W.W.E. couldn’t have manipulated the crowd any better.

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