Cross-Border Meeting To Address Raging Canadian Refugee Crisis – IOTW Report

Cross-Border Meeting To Address Raging Canadian Refugee Crisis

DC: Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly is coming to Ottawa on Friday to meet with his Canadian counterpart Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale.

They will be talking about the raging refugee crisis at the Canada-U.S. border and the new temporary travel ban issued by President Donald Trump this week. Kelly also plans to meet with Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould and Transport Minister Marc Garneau.

An emergency meeting of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet on Tuesday did nothing to resolve the mounting refugee crisis nor prompt the Liberal government to propose any new initiatives to  with deal with it.

Goodale expressed concern for the safety of the illegals but continued to insist that the law was being enforced.

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15 Comments on Cross-Border Meeting To Address Raging Canadian Refugee Crisis

  1. Only had time to skim this but this insanity stood out right away:

    “The concern, I think, relates to why people are putting themselves into potentially very risky situations,” Goodale said.

    “One question I would have is, who organized this movement and did they actually contemplate letting people off on a roadside in the middle of a Prairie blizzard? That’s risky and we’ll want to explore the factor that lead to that kind of risky behavior.”

    So…it’s the lives of those crossing the borders illegally they care about, not the lives of those whose country they are sneaking into???

    With friends like Canada, who needs pussies???

  2. A couple of things. Unlike a couple of other NATO allies Canada put it’s troops on the line and in actual combat beside the US in Afghanistan so try not to describe us as pussies when it’s a handful of assholes in Ottawa that are making the country look bad. Each day support for this ex-bouncer turned Prime Minister falls and with luck (and a decent Conservative Party leader elected in May) Trudeau the Younger and his fellow socialists will be out of power in a couple of years.

    As far as Goodale mouthing off about what Canada’s main concern is I can assure you if/when these refugees come pouring across the border (right now there isn’t a “raging Crisis” or if there is it hasn’t made it to the headlines of any news services) it’s in both countries best interests to have come to an agreement on how to handle them quickly because Canadian voters will not tolerate a flood of new illegal immigrants either being placed in communities or put in refugee camps and I don’t think the US wants to wash it’s hands of the issue especially if bodies begin to pile up along the border.

  3. Too funny, a fellow I work with is Canadian but has been here for many years and going for citizenship, more “American” than lots of others I know.

    He laughed at getting to point out with old friends up north how their attitude is changing now that the illegals are headed there way. Until now they thought we were all racist zeonophobes or whatever.

  4. @scr_north March 10, 2017 at 11:48 am

    > I don’t think the US wants to wash it’s hands of the issue especially if bodies begin to pile up along the border.

    Well, bless your heart.

  5. scr_north,

    I hope the pendulum swings for all the good conservatives in Canada soon. And one thing you’ve got to say about Canada is they’ve always been right there with the U.S. in any conflict we get involved with. I hope you guys find a candidate that can mount a good showing against Trudeau.

  6. Hey, you stupid Hosers we will be sending you, at your request, between 40 and 50 million illegals and Muslims. Now all Canadians can go on welfare and let the invaders do your work for you! Happy upcoming July 1st and God save Your Queen and her retarded son, EH!

  7. I like Canada, although the Canadians don’t seem to care for Americans very much. Just my personal experience.

    As to the border jumpers – screw ’em. They pour into the US because the assholes in DC and in many cities told them it would be just fine to stream in. Our leaders didn’t worry about the interlopers/invaders being too stupid to wait until the weather conditions were decent either – hence lots of dead illegals. But for every one that dies, tens of thousands make it in and take up residence.

    So Canada won’t have a thing to worry about once the weather improves. Common sense. UNLESS what they are really worried about is getting a ton of welfare sponges and dangerous invaders dribbling on over into their nice country. Maybe they are just too polite to say that is the real issue. To that I say – tough. Just as the idiotic US cities have to deal with the consequences of their policies, so Canada will have to also. It is not our fault if Canada ALLOWS them over the border as they have been doing.

  8. Trudeau built this and owns it.

    We in the US were saddled with a limp wristed, progressive and open borders POS. Oh Canada, it’s your turn now.
    Defeat the progressives the first chance….learn from our mistake !

  9. I don’t understand. We have 40 million surplus illegals and we are going to enforce our immigration laws and kick them out. Canada says they are the biggest immigrant and refugee lovers ever. Here is there chance to show the world they are the most loving nicest immigrant lovers of all time, big #1, undisputed champion. We send all 40 million or so to Canada. This should be a “win win.” What am I missing here?

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