Crossing the Swamp – IOTW Report

Crossing the Swamp

McNaughton’s latest piece.

17 Comments on Crossing the Swamp

  1. Left to Right
    Nikki Haley, James Mattis, Ben Carson, President Trump, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Melania, Mike Pompeo, Sarah Sanders, Ivanka, John Bolton, Kellyanne Conway, and John Kelly

  2. You might call it Trump crossing the Rubicon just like Hannibal did crossing the Alps. And the GOP symbol and mascot is an elephant just like Hannibal using elephants when he crossed the Alps. Elephants trump donkeys every time, they’re far bigger and more intimidating than puny donkeys. RINO’s are another category but they can be dealt with by giving them no credibility.

  3. @ Hans – I agree.

    WITH ALL DUE RESPECT to a great artist, the comparison to Washington just falls FLAT.

    The great Romantic original done in 1851 by Leutze has been redone, mostly in parody, since it was first painted. Future president James Monroe is holding the flag and was almost mortually wounded at The Battle of Trenton.

    Also, to compare DJT to GW?? THEY are not comparable.

    Can we get through at least ONE term before we make such a comparison??

    I, GoCJG, was with the man, GW, WHO coordinated with the 14th Mass Continental (the GREAT mariners in that painting, including a black dude and Jame Monroe) the evacuation of Brooklyn (in heavy fog) and Manhattan, defended his lower flank at Pel’s Point (Bronx) prior to White Plains, crossed the Hudson at Peekskill, stopped at Fort Lee (Fort Constitution when I was there) and watched the sacking of Fort Washington across the river, headed down to Trenton crossed the Delaware back and forth SEVERAL times with troops and prisoners AFTER the first landing.

    The 14th Continental disbanded after Trenton…I went up to Saratoga after that…promoted to brigadier general.

    Those mariners were the first Marines/Navy in my humble opinion.

    In the new painted version at the very least, weapons should be drawn on the Swamp creatures, in this case the gators. VICIOUS.

    Swamps are non-navigable. They look more bogged down surrounded by the threat looking for their way.

    Sorry peeps, this is not a great interpretation in my opinion.

    For instance in the original there is the faint glow of the sun, in the new version no sun.

    There are two existing versions after the original was destroyed in a bombing raid during WWII, one in the Met in NYC and the other hung in the White House up until 2015…the biggest painting I have ever seen.

    All of the new occupants of the boat are ALL people I would want in my boat, btw. THAT maybe the best part of the painting, the people that have your back…and theirs.

    Gieco commercial Crossing the Jersey Turnpike:



  4. Addendum – Sara should be HOLDING the flag, behind the POTUS, NOT oaring away we need more muscle and sharpshooting at that position …Melania being above all should be armed, like a turret OR at the front like a REAL Figurehead or Lady Victory leading the vessel.

    Why is the Capital building in the back round?

    The water level in the swamp should be well above the main original building and wings and getting to the Rotunda.

    Yes that bad!

  5. In the immortal words of Clara Peller “Where’s the plug?”

    @ghost of col j glover — Most people aren’t up on their Revolutionary War history – if they were they’d know how close a thing it was so many times and just how “providential” that fog at Brooklyn was. And just how few (approximately 10%) of the population actively participated in the war with most paying lip service safe in their comfy homes with food and shelter.

    God blessed this Country and it’s peoples but it’s peoples are slowly pissing it all away.


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