Crowder Confronts Antifa Idiot Who Fantasized About “Wanting a Piece of Him” – IOTW Report

Crowder Confronts Antifa Idiot Who Fantasized About “Wanting a Piece of Him”

When an ANTIFA dirtbag says they want a piece of Crowder, it might not mean they want a fight. It might mean they want gay sex. It’s a coin flip.

Wanting a fight with Crowder might be a bad wish. I don’t know if anyone’s noticed but he’s not exactly tiny. He’s about 6’1″ and in pretty good shape. But, he’s Canadian. lol.


An Antifa activist known as “Slytherin” recently got more than he bargained for when his violent fantasy to meet CRTV’s Steven Crowder came true.

Beer went flying through the air and a police report was filed in Dallas after the “Louder with Crowder” host tracked down the man whose online rhetoric includes “punching Nazis” and the desire to kill “every member of ICE.”

Mr. Crowder and his crew originally planned to confront the man during a planned protest against white supremacy. The event was scrapped due to weather, but he was able to anonymously set up a meeting at a local beer garden.

“Your wish is my command,” the comedian, dressed as a genie, said during the confrontation published Tuesday on YouTube.

“S—! Go f— yourself, you piece of s—,” the man said while throwing his beer in Mr. Crowder’s face.

Mr. Crowder then asked what, specifically, the Antifa activist meant when he wrote online: “Holy s—. I’ve wanted a piece of Crowder for a long time.”


15 Comments on Crowder Confronts Antifa Idiot Who Fantasized About “Wanting a Piece of Him”

  1. Crowder is amazing! May he continue exposing these cowards for the pieces of shit that they are. I guess this asshat’s threats meant nothing. He had his chance.

  2. I condemn all forms of violence until I am attacked and then I would have pummeled that little turd until he cried out for mommy. But with a broken jaw its hard to say the word mommy so the beating would take a bit of time.

  3. Crowder would have been justified to beat the snot out of that sissy when he had the beer thrown on him. It was uncalled for and could justifiably be considered an assault.

    Good for him that he just wanted to talk to the guy and even better that he filed a police report. That douchebag needs to rethink his life.

  4. Nice work…meanwhile The Left is taking out Congressmen (R) in order to effect election outcomes and Trump has been diminished by the incessant’ criminal’ theme..Soon, through organized State District Attorneys (to nullify Pardons), his children will be destroyed due to bogus claims re his Foundation. The Fake News already refers to him as an un indicted co conspirator and unless Trump has a plan, the Left will take us down with him…Sedition, Coup attempt cloaked as Justice, Treason by putting legal lipstick upon Mueller…a sham that rebuffs attack by Trump as Schumer warns…they are so bold as to claim that the Swamp must be Republican because no Dem is indicted as planned and Hillary’s Foundation is free from inspection…Evil is upon the country..

  5. “Slytherin”, a name in a children’s book , a child’s book about wizards.
    What ever happened to Bond, James Bond?
    Although a fight would have been entertaining, it would have ended with Crowder kicking the shit out of that pussy. “He hurt him, he’s so much smaller.”: would have been the cry from the rest of his pussy gang.
    Why make a martyr?
    It’s way better for the world to know he is just a keyboard warrior, without any bonafides, or guts.

  6. LOLOL!!!

    OpenTheDoor – I disagree. I think that putting his face out there makes the other antifas not want to hang around him anymore. They’re paranoid. He talked to the enemy and got arrested. Now they have no idea what he told the cops. See what I’m saying? The more exposure, the better. It shows their childish emotional weakness and their insanity.

  7. My sister gives me “demotivational” calendars every Christmas. For August, the caption is “Virtue” You must tweet the change you want to see in the world. It won’t affect anything, but at least people will know exactly where you stood during the fight. Doing Nothing. Like the Poser you are.

  8. Just like I thought. Keyboard, SJW antifag walks away. Fucking pussy. Cancel the protest cuz of some rain and shit? More pussy behavior, or perhaps they didnt want a free, clean shower.



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