Crowder Files Pre-Discovery Against Facebook – IOTW Report

Crowder Files Pre-Discovery Against Facebook

After being specifically named as one of the people “suppressed” by Facebook in the recent Gizmodo article on the social media giant’s tendency to omit Conservative content, Steven Crowder filed pre-discovery petition in Dallas court targeting Facebook.


 It seems Crowder was working on a lawsuit against Facebook based on billing issues,

but the suppression story provides an excellent opportunity to sue the multi-billion dollar organization.


 This is how Conservatives should go after the leftist social media Goliath, not by having members of Congress big-foot  their way into the situation.

7 Comments on Crowder Files Pre-Discovery Against Facebook

  1. That is powerful litigating. The court will have a short hearing on it fairly soon and, if it grants the petition, the deposition(s) will be taken in the next ninty days. Crowder is free to publish the transcripts. Should be fun.

  2. Good point but there are issues.

    Are they claiming to be a news site or provide legit news?

    Are they saying things are trending when they aren’t? Are they hiding things that are trending? Is there a deliberate ideological bias? Is there a hidden agenda? Who is running it? Why? What is the agenda?

    When is “free speech” actually propaganda?

  3. @booby – They can do what they want with the content, unless what they do is a breach of contractual or other duty. Crowder is the first to agree with you. His petition alleges breach and interference with a contract between hmself and FB, and potentially fraud..

  4. Heard the snip yesterday. Bottom line is that it was stated that censoring was being done via algorhythms, by tech. Actual though-20 age 20 somethings from northeast America were doing this. Deplorable.

  5. Larry The Angry Liberal- If you don’t like what you hear, you can always walk away, back into your “Safe Space”. Til then, we’re going to truthfeed you.

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