Crowder – This Year, Protesters Have Killed 19 People – IOTW Report

Crowder – This Year, Protesters Have Killed 19 People

Police have killed 18 unarmed black people in 2020. This caused people to take to the streets, and in doing so they have killed 19 unarmed citizens.


The point was made in today’s show.

4 Comments on Crowder – This Year, Protesters Have Killed 19 People

  1. Irrational hatred can be about almost anything but it is always caused by cognitive dissonance. The irrational hater must know on some level that their position is in fact false. Evidence of this is in the constant lying used to justify the hatred.

  2. …so far. The rioters have given notice of their intention to lay siege to DC from September until the election. It won’t be mostly peaceful. I sure hope there is some preemptive work going on to mitigate the violence and destruction. It wouldn’t surprise me to see the rioters notch 30 murders by New Years Day.


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