They are appointing the ship with Titanic era amenities and furnishings and forgoing today’s luxuries. There will be an authentic “Edwardian Gym.”
See pictures after the jump. (I’m pretty sure these pictures are from the movie Titanic and not from any existing boat.)
True Fact: Despite the catastrophic events, the Titanic’s saltwater pools remain filled to this day.
The ship will be launched by The Blue Star Line.
Here are the specs. I notice they’ve upped the amount of lifeboats.
soon to be followed by the RMS Carpathia
Then you could do an Edmund Fitzgerald.
Looks like the Titanic, named “titanicII”, build in China. LOL, what could possibly go wrong?
wonder if they’re going to serve ice on the Promenade Deck? the lifeboat drills will be well attended…
The first one was cursed when they insulted God. Don’t think I would want to be reminding Him about that by building a new ship with the same cursed name.
OTOH, maybe they will cater to progressives ….
I’ll bet they only sail this one in tropical waters.
That nomenclature should be TITANIC III.
Sadly, America has laid claim to “TITANIC II”
This would be my idea of a dream come true. And I’ve forever wanted to take a trip on the Venice Simplon Orient Express.
I’ve been hearing this story of a replica Titanic for years. Sorta like any day now Hillary is going to be indicted.
I’m a seasoned cruiser, I have been on 27 cruises with 4 more planned this year. I never heard of The Blue Star Line. It’s very doubtful I would cruise on that line, I’ll stay with the ones that give me the best perks and safety reliability. I do have stories to tell, but will save that for another time.
“Made in China”. That says it all…
Ticket prices starting from 10,000-80,000.
That better damn well include an open bar…..
Sounds like only the one percenters will be able to afford it and it would be exactly the kind of status thing they’d be attracted to. This thing might have possibilities after all!
Well, I hope they correct the three biggest problems that sunk the original Titanic:
1-A “sharper” hull (more “V” shaped). The original hull was very flat and shallow, and unable to make the sharp turn necessary to avoid the iceberg.
2-A deeper keel. See #1 above.
3-Better tempered steel. The original steel hadn’t been tempered well, and was brittle, thus prone to cracking – especially when run up against an iceberg (ya think?)
Have you ever watched (you tube) Why they sank the Titantic? Six – ten minute clips. Very interesting. I believe it.