1. Barring a seattle-We-have-discovered-a-gazillion-votes-against-freedom-in-this-big-ballot-box-in-the-trunk-of-a-car situation in london then it looks like brexit will win!

  2. The stay-in Brits can blame Obama. He showed up to fight against the exit and look what happens, it went tits up. Everything he shows up at you can guarantee it’s a loser. Go Brits! I’m happy for you, you did good!

  3. Charlie, a couple days ago there was a Chinese economist that was quoted as saying “Trump actually might be the savior for the world economy”. He’s probably dead by now but if you google that I’ll bet you can find it.

  4. RosalindJ, In all honesty I didn’t read your link however I’m pretty certain I know what it says. Consider this. Who is China’s market? We are. And that market is very unhealthy right now. Something to consider.

  5. rosalindj that article sure puts Trump in a good light. I didnt think the Chinese would think he would be good for them

    Brad, this is the best most optimistic I have felt about any election since Reagan/Carter.

  6. The Feds been pumping money into the stock market from day 2 of the Obama administration. The DOW futures are down 655. This is awesome. Burn their shit down.

  7. On 1/20/17, the U.S. will have a BOXIT. No vote required.

    (I would have said NEXIT, but I didn’t want anyone to get the wrong impression. Like maybe I was prejudiced against narcissists or something.)


  8. I love it when people get together and finally say…

    Fuck You Bureaucrats…
    Fuck You Oligarchs…
    Fuck You Rich Smug Elitist Cunts…
    Fuck You Raghead Mouthpieces…

    We’re out and we’ll deal with the consequences.

  9. I bet when Obama went over there and stuck his jive ass in where it didn’t belong regarding Britain will go to the back of the queue if they leave the EU a lot of Brits went, “I was fine with staying but since this bloody wanker wants us to stay I say, “PISS OFF!” He got his marxist ass handed to him today. And it ain’t over yet…TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!

  10. I always suspected that something like this would happen when Britain refused to adopt the Euro. I figured they wanted to keep their options open, just in case they decided to bail. I doubt their hearts were in it from the git-go. That, plus I suspect that the Brits have never considered themselves part of the continental European rabble. And why should they? When you’ve been an Empire that effectively ruled the world (for however briefly that may have been), it’s hard to lower yourself by becoming just another apple in the barrel.

    And yeah, I know they have reached that point, but I don’t think they do. Yet.


  11. Here is a good blow-by-blow of the vote timeline, various commentary and quotes from EU heads of state regarding the outcome, ticker of monetary fluctuations across Europe and the UK, etc.

    84 members of the parliament signed a letter saying they want Cameron to remain as the PM to oversee the implementation of the split, the Tories are not in favor of that and Cameron is generally expected to resign in the near future. Who will take his place? It was stated on the BBC tonight that they will probably not run a ‘snap’ GE. Does the Lord Chancellor decide this?

    Whooo Whooo! Congratulations U.K.! You did it!

  12. It’s 3:35 AM PDT here and the Brits did the right thing and have left the EU. This should be a very good thing for the Brits I do believe. Now they can tell the EU to shove it. And Cameron is set to resign this Fall. Something’s happening people where the people of the world are finally fed up with all the globalist crap including us with Trump in the good old USA. And George Soros and barry, John effin Kerry, shrillary etc. are the biggest losers.

  13. This is like treating a paper cut when you have cancer. The real problem (and soon to be ours) is they need independence from Islam and this is not going to do anything to quell the rise of and take over in the next few decades if the population charts of children being born are any indication.

  14. the true anglo saxon along with our celtic friends in wales are now free again , we might be drowning in liberal tears ,if only we could vote for them to leave .what a green and pleasant land we would be again . [ ed a free Englishman ]

  15. Will it be like a Union vote in one of our industries……you have a vote, you lose and then vote again in 6 months after all the strong arming and threats.
    Just wondering when they’ll vote themselves back in the EU.

  16. Well, I, for one, am surprised.
    Pleased, but surprised.

    I had no idea there were still that many Britishers in Britain.
    Jolly good show!

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. Eins, zwei, drei, alle
    Ooh, you cannot reach me now
    Ooh, no matter how you try
    Goodbye, cruel world, it’s over
    Walk on by
    Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall
    Waiting for the worms to come
    In perfect isolation here behind my wall
    Waiting for the worms to come
    We’re waiting to succeed and going to convene outside Brixton
    Town Hall where we’re going to be
    Waiting to cut out the deadwood
    Waiting to clean up the city
    Waiting to follow the worms
    Waiting to put on a black shirt
    Waiting to weed out the weaklings
    Waiting to smash in their windows
    And kick in their doors
    Waiting for the final solution
    To strengthen the strain
    Waiting to follow the worms
    Waiting to turn on the showers
    And fire the ovens
    Waiting for the queens and the coons
    And the reds and the Jews
    Waiting to follow the worms
    Would you like to see Britannia
    Rule again, my friend?
    All you have to do is follow the worms
    Would you like to send our colored cousins
    Home again, my friend?
    All you need to do is follow the worms
    The worms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station

    Songwriter: ROGER WATERS

  18. Pres. Pissypants and Kanckles both “respect” the voters….no congratulations offered.

    This is a win for Trump as he declairs free people’s sacred right to independence. ( sorry in advance to any fencesitters I may have offended …;) )

  19. A poster at treehouse noted that c amanpour had a meltdown when she saw the win. Yay! I looked to see if I could find a clip of it but it was as elusive as a hill-e-mail

  20. My fiancee’ and I are good friends with a British couple. They’re coming over tonite after work to celebrate “FU to the EU”. We’re chucking a bigass Tri-Tip on the Weber for some grillax & chillax and I got a case of longnecks gettin’ chilly in the Yeti 110.

    “Everyvun come back to my place for a little spongecake undt some schnapps….”

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