Cruz and Trump Not Taking the Bait – IOTW Report

Cruz and Trump Not Taking the Bait

The Establishment’s only hope: Trump & me in a cage match. Sorry to disappoint —@realDonaldTrump is terrific. #DealWithIt

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 11, 2015

10 Comments on Cruz and Trump Not Taking the Bait

  1. Meanwhile back and the whorehouse….Shrillary says she doesn’t find Trump funny anymore…hahaha…thats funny! Who cares what that criminal felon has to say, think, joke about, suck on, or swallow….go mow some pubic grass one gives a flying fook what you do….go to prison, and then let the hardest males in prison (bull dykes) take her out…..

  2. At most it took me 30 seconds to unsubscribe to an email I received this morning that said it was sent by teapartyexpress.

    I read it an thought – What the …..?

    It started out with
    Dear Fellow Conservative.
    Asked for some money for the RNC, and was signed
    Reince Priebus
    Chairman, Republican National Committee

    Ah, NO.

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