Cruz Dropping Out — Kasich Isn’t – IOTW Report

Cruz Dropping Out — Kasich Isn’t

Ted Cruz Dropping Out of Race

WAPO – Ted Cruz, the insurgent Texan whose presidential campaign was fueled by disdain for Washington, prepared to announce he was leaving the race Tuesday night, removing the last major hurdle in Donald Trump’s quest to become to become the Republican nominee for president.

Cruz’s decision came after losing overwhelmingly to Trump in the Indiana primary, all but ensuring that real estate mogul will claim his party’s mantle at the Republican National Convention in July.

The exit comes after a series of desperate moves to keep his candidacy afloat in recent weeks, including naming former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina as his running mate in a bizarre announcement where Cruz spoke for a half hour and Fiorina sang to his young daughters.

In his last day on the campaign trail, Cruz unloaded on Trump, calling the businessman a”pathological liar” and a “narcissist” who was proud of being a “serial philanderer.” The attacks were reminiscent of the broadsides Sen. Marco Rubio launched against Trump in the waning days of his own presidential campaign — and a far cry from the lavish praise Cruz heaped on Trump for most of 2015, declaring, “I like Donald Trump.”

55 Comments on Cruz Dropping Out — Kasich Isn’t

  1. I have to admit that I stood in line for a long time to vote for Cruz in my state primary. I have been very disappointed in him since then, and I am glad he is dropping out. It’s actually up in the air if I will vote for him again, as my senator.

    Strange times.

  2. He suspended his campaign. He did not drop out.
    It is a smart move.
    Now he can score points while his opponent does victory dances in the end field.
    Cruz will still continue to pick up delegates unless he formally removes his name from the ballots in the remaining states.
    Trump will still have to expend resources and time campaigning, but Cruz gets to focus on the end game.

  3. It’s time, but as someone who saw the plus side to either Cruz or Trump, and as someone who remembers that Cruz is the guy who did fight the Washington establishment in order to do what his constituents wanted (the guy that a lot of you Trumpsters used to love…until you bought hook line and sink any negative blog posts on him, whether factual or not)…well, I feel bad for that guy. He’s no more the boogie man that you’ve turned him into, than Trump is for the #Never Trump crowd.

  4. Now Trump is down to two opponents: H->illary! and the MSM.

    I fully expect the MSM to turn on Trump and accuse him of every crime since the Lindbergh baby disappeared.

  5. Thank you Ted for being a man of integrity and a great voice for conservatism. Donald has insulted you, insulted your wife, fabricated stories about you being an adulterer, and even claimed that your dad helped assassinate JFK. But you ignored him and kept taking about actual conservative solutions to our nation’s problems. God bless you and your family.

  6. Cruz campaign suspended:
    “It appears that path has been foreclosed … Together, we left it all on the field of Indiana. We gave it everything we’ve got, but the voters chose another path, and so with a heavy heart but with boundless optimism for the long-term future of our nation, we are suspending our campaign.”

    Man proposes, God disposes. We’ll see how this plays out.

  7. Man, I’d love to be a fly on the wall at Glenn Beck’s oval office tonight.
    Well, if I was a fly, i’d probably be hovering over the bowl of smashed Cheetos

  8. Venturaguy, bother to learn what happens at the convention and why rather than jumping to conclusions based on ignorance.
    Due to this development it is more likely that Kasich would take the mantle if Trump gets pulled down.

  9. Who wouldn’t be happy? We’re one step closer to Whoopie, Cher, Rosie, Al Sharpton, Jon Stewart, etc. moving the hell out of the country!!! Hoo-RAH!

  10. Let see who signs on with Trump. We damn sure need to build a team here now that we have the winner. I always thought Trump/Cruz would be a strong ticket, still do, but not likely I’m thinking.

  11. Hey Barky…you still all smugged up about Trump now?

    That’s a nice, fragile, little legacy you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it. Sleep tight.

  12. The best possible thing for what’s left of the Republic would be for Trump to lose very badly to Clinton (which I fully expect he will do), providing at least 4 more agonizing years of the most painful realization yet that no leftist can EVER be trusted with the slightest degree of political power. That catastrophe might – MIGHT – wake enough people by 2020/2024 that even with the unparalleled degree of fraud we’ll see very soon, it won’t matter. MAYBE as a result some degree of national restoration can begin.

    I don’t believe it. I just hope it. A fool’s hope.

  13. I must commend Big Fur Hat. He told me in an email exchange several weeks back that Indiana was the key. The man knows politics and politicians well…like he knows his glorious naked body soaking in a tub in a man cave while doing a 99 second radio show!

    You were absolutely right Big Fur Hat, and I salute you!

    (it is going to be tuff sitting down and shutting the fuck up the next six months, but I fully intend do do just that)

  14. @JohnS – you have a real Wile E. Coyote plan going there – The GOPe got him to drop out so they could put Kasich in at the convention? That’s going to be a winner come November

  15. I’d happily vote for Cruz or Trump. I’m a long time tea partier who has been dumbfounded by the incredible disrespect shown to us by the GOP establishment. Either guy is a big middle finger to them.

    Presumptive nominee Trump is ultimately the GOPe fault- dating back to 2009.

    Can they hear us now? Heh.

  16. Buh-Bye, Ted. God can’t bless those with immense hypocrisy and lies like you’ve got. Just plain isn’t happening, maybe if you had told Glenn Beck he couldn’t campaign with you anymore, or came out and said, ‘oh I’m not literally Jesus, Glenn is just emotional’ I wouldn’t be enjoying this so much, but I am and that’s that. Nothing against those who voted for the man, but Ted Raphel Jesús Cruz is a schmuck and I’m glad he’s finally gone.

  17. “The GOPe got him to drop out so they could put Kasich in at the convention? That’s going to be a winner come November”

    A Clinton presidency is the best guarantee of maintaining the establishment’s status quo. It allows them to keep up the false appearance of opposition to keep winning elections, while inevitably bending over for the Left.

  18. All the big money boys just called there markers on Cruz that’s what happened tonight, Now the the question is will they throw there weight behind Killary or Trump,if you see them support her then you will know that we have to get behind Trump it will be the only way to change DC.
    My hats off to Cruz he did the right thing for the country tonight.
    Cruz is not done he has a bright future ahead of him, and don’t be surprised if Trumped reaches out to him with an offer or are ready has.

  19. He is being very gracious, and that part impresses me….butt….it annoys the shit out of me that a potential president says he is going to create jobs. That is not there role in life. What they can create they can take away. I want a president that says government is not a solution to your problems, they are your problems. Yeah, I know, that’s just some pipe dream I have, but I want a government that gets out of the way not one that claims they can “create” the way.

    Cruz 2020*

    (*Trump says he only needs 1 term to fix everything)

  20. I give up. Nobody cares what goes on at a convention and how the power struggles there will affect the outcome.
    This is politics, not a football game. If Trump comes out of the convention alive he will have cut a lot of deals and kissed a lot of ass.
    Most frontrunners create coalitions going in and work hard to avoid creating enemies so that they have to give up minimally at the convention.

  21. @Illustrator: 2 questions for you. I am a strong supporter of the Tea Party since the beginning and Cruz was their man even Hannity used to be all Ted, do you really see Donald as an equivalent TP guy as Ted?

    second, how are you going to defend your candidate when he says such insane nonsense as he has been spouting lately? are you going to adopt the Obama policy toward biden and just say that is just trump being trump? I honestly see no way I could strongly support that man without giving up every principle that I have. Voting for him is one thing, but supporting him in any way, I don’t see it.

  22. Menderman, It’s not a Presidents job to create jobs. I guess you hated Reagan. Our economy is part of national security. And we are in jeopardy.

    Everyone needs to cool their fucking jets. Cruz is out. The clown from Ohio’s not a threat. Hmm, who do you think Trump will attack now? Everybody’s got to give this a couple weeks.

  23. @dapenguin

    Cruz is the purebred idealistic tea party candidate.

    Trump isn’t a named tea party guy but his candidacy has the same effect as Cruz’s.

    Trump’s verbal missteps are on par with Cruz’s sudden over the top preachifying- which in the general election would drive people away while Trump’s celebrity will likely bring in voters. So, it’s a wash for me.

    Time to start fresh and stop Hillary.

  24. The Cruz bashers here should be ashamed of themselves. You sound like the Trump bashers on the left.

    What’s worse, you appear to have bought into whatever Trump (imperfect as he is) says, does and has done, and just as badly as Obama and Hillary backers have.

    That being said, I was glad Trump entered the race last year, and I hope he wins…because the alternative would just about end this country as we once knew it.

  25. If Cruz would have stopped the evangelical crap I would have supported him.
    I hate that bible thumping hollier than tho, moral superiority crap
    Save that for church

  26. Kasich served his purpose as a bit player and took one for the GOPe Team by splitting the primary vote.

    I suspect he’ll be suspending his campaign shortly. He’s a GOPe wheeler dealer. After it’s all over don’t be surprised when he ends up in the Trump administration.

    It’s just more of the same kabuki theatrical politics.

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