Cruz Explains to the Sluggish Left Why Appointing Replacement Now Is Correct – IOTW Report

Cruz Explains to the Sluggish Left Why Appointing Replacement Now Is Correct

11 Comments on Cruz Explains to the Sluggish Left Why Appointing Replacement Now Is Correct

  1. Cruz is exactly right.
    There is plenty of precedence.
    Even so, in modern times, if the situation were in the Democrats’ favor, would Schumer and Warren agree to wait?
    Would Republicans complain?
    Yes. But not nearly as much and as dramatically.

  2. I hope Trump nominates Ted Cruz for the Supreme Court in his 2nd term. Hopefully it will be to replace Chief Justice John Roberts.

    Chief Justice Ted Cruz – I like the sound of that.

  3. I can’t wait for the dems and media (BIRM) tearing down nominees for being devote Catholics after defending both Pelosi and Biden as “devote” Catholics just weeks ago. Grab the popcorn.

  4. The libs and leftists who put this woman on a pedestal have NO ONE to blame but themselves. And the thing is? The libs and leftist KNOW THIS and that is where the self hate and rage is coming from. They fucked up big time.

    Turns out RBG was selfish in the end, and she gambled (on Madame Hillary winning) and they ALL lost as a result.

    And then she ends up dying prior to when she was ‘supposed’ to have died after a DJT loss or failed coup/impeachment.

    Timing is everything I say!!


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