Cruz is Evolving On Illegal Immigration— For the Better – IOTW Report

Cruz is Evolving On Illegal Immigration— For the Better

Cruz is becoming Trump on illegal immigration. In fact, in his latest interview he’s going further than Trump. On one hand this is great news, for me, a person who preferred Trump’s immigration policy to Cruz’s, on the other hand this should concern anyone that was for Cruz’s previous immigration policy.

Here’s where Cruz is now –>

NBC – Ted Cruz asserted Monday night that he would “of course” support federal law enforcement agents actively looking for undocumented immigrants to deport.

“Of course you would,” Cruz told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly. “That’s what [Immigrations and Customs Enforcement] exists for. We have law enforcement that looks for people who are violating the laws that apprehends and deports them.”

This is where Cruz was:

Hot Air – Five weeks ago or so, Cruz told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he wouldn’t use special units of immigration enforcement officers to find and deport illegal immigrants.

Cruz also stated that Trump’s policy is a little weak, in that, once the illegals were deported Trump would allow them to re-enter the country legally.

Cruz says “no way, Jose.” Lawbreakers are not coming back in, and that’s the law.

I like this Cruz. What took him so long?




54 Comments on Cruz is Evolving On Illegal Immigration— For the Better

  1. I don’t necessarily view a public servant altering his viewpoint in response to his employers wishes to be a bad thing.
    On the other hand, it is obvious he delayed fleshing out his position until he could set himself to the right of Trump and be able to equate Trump and Rubio.
    I hope this is sincere rather than just political posturing.

  2. Is this a trick question? I think what Cruz said 5 weeks ago was brilliant and fantastic. Tapper suggested the Trump calls for a ‘deportation force’ that will knock on doors looking for illegals, and Cruz said that he would not allow that, and I agree wholeheartedly! Cruz has not evolved one bit.

    Let Trumps ‘deportation force’ knock on my door and ask to search for people to deport!

    Oh…wait….that would not be good for me I fear….

    How was the Cruz from 5 weeks ago wrong?

  3. Here.
    If you think this is the exact same position… well, there’s nothing left to debate.
    You see things your own special way.

    January 10th – Cruz indicated that he would only deport those who are apprehended, such as those who commit crimes or are caught by prospective employers without having immigrated legally.

    February 23rd – Ted Cruz asserted Monday night that he would “of course” support federal law enforcement agents actively looking for undocumented immigrants to deport.

    “Of course you would,” Cruz told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly. “That’s what [Immigrations and Customs Enforcement] exists for. We have law enforcement that looks for people who are violating the laws that apprehends and deports them.”

  4. I’d like to know what Cruz’s real position on TPP/TPA is.

    It’s clear in my mind that he is a day late and a dollar short on immigration issues. If Trump had not brought it up so forcefully on June 16, it would be a back-burner “immigration reform” issue at best for all the other candidates. Mr. Pinko posted Cruz’s response to the question put directly to him on immigration many times. For Cruz it was always about a bi-partisan “conversation” leading to something else, ending in something else. It was the same thing on the wall and counting coup on ISIS.

    At first I thought Ted was drafting Donald because he was in support of him — I think many of us thought that he and Trump were in partnership. Then it became apparent that Cruz was simply letting Trump go in to defuse the bomb before hijacking his message. It’s not fooling anyone.

  5. And I have to go out for a bit, so I will write this preemptively.

    How is this an evolving position??? This is how—

    Cruz 1.0 is saying he would only deport illegals if they “run afoul of the law” which is a weak ass way of saying being an illegal alien isn’t afoul of the law. For a constitutional conservative this was a horrible horrible horrible stance.

    Cruz 2.0 is saying that ICE has the authority to round up illegals just for being illegal.
    They don’;t have to commit a crime because THEY ARE COMMITTING A CRIME.

    Cruz 1.0 – dead wrong.
    Cruz 2.0 -right

    I posted this saying Cruz got better and you still have a problem.

  6. Sorry, but Cruz’s position seems very much the same as it was 5 weeks ago, 1 year ago, 2 years ago, even 5 years ago.

    Cruz has stated all along that he would deport folks who overstay. He also has said that he would go after any business that was employing illegals. He is not going to search every home for illegals, but he is going to search for them and if stopped by police he would empower the police to turn them over to ICE. Additionally his position has been to eliminate all benefits given to illegals like food stamps, welfare, healthcare (other than emergency care), and so forth. All of this is the same. So what is the difference other than in how it is described and the terminology used?

    Trump talks all about his new army that will root out and deport all illegals by searching door-to-door if necessary. Ever notice how little there is on whether Trump would punish businesses who hire illegals. And then the fact that Trump would give the illegals “touch back” amnesty is why I can’t understand how people support this guy if immigration is your issue.

    My biggest issue with Cruz originally had to do with his support for increasing the H1B Visa limits. That hurts the labor market in IT terribly. Then digging deeper I discovered it was another slick move in that he backed the increase, but tied it to increasing the required wage for a visa holder thus making them cost prohibitive. So the Republican leadership would get what they supposedly wanted, an increase in visas because they claim there is a need for skilled workers, but only if they pay those new workers a rate actually higher than what an American would be paid thus making the American worker more attractive.

  7. Tamminator — Yes, Cruz has a lot of that gall stuff. I just don’t understand how someone who claims to be that close to the hearts and minds of conservatives thinks he can conduct a campaign like this. Some will hate me for saying this, but he’s really called his integrity, if not his wisdom, into question.

  8. Woody: Link, please, that Cruz had that in the legislation. I don’t believe it. I have many friends who lost jobs to people from Mumbai and the Indian people hired were paid 1/3 of thier wage. Under the laws of that visa, THAT IS ILLEGAL.

  9. Frankly, I think Cruz’s forceful change on this is an 11th hour, closed-door tactical change that was discussed by him and his big money backers. Wall Street and the CoC do not want closed borders or deported illegals. I’m sorry to say this, but I see it as a Hail Mary in order to stay in the race and nothing more.

  10. I am commenting based on the information of this post, and this post alone. Cruz has not evolved. Instead of sending a ‘deportation force’ to go door to door, Cruz has suggested a plan to identify the illegals through many, many approved and legal methods. He never said ICE should not be allowed to go out and actively look for them. He even stressed that that is their job. Please tell me you do not approve of how Tapper (he got it wrong) explained Trumps plan of going “door to door” looking for illegals to deport. That is insanity!

    You saying Cruz got better is kind, but not something I see as fact. Cruz has changed none. Maybe he got better at explaining his position?

  11. Tammy, I don’t have a link, but from memory, Cruz set the pay at over 100K as I recall on H1B visa peeps. 135K sticks in my mind. You can Bing it just as well as I can, and then you can trust your own source. Not being disrespectful, I just know how capable you are.

  12. Evolving, sure, whatever you say, spin it the way you want it.
    Trump has become more divisive and I’m disgusted.
    Trump is evolving into a lying, dirty, sick, self absorbed politician.
    His political antics for headlines and free media coupled with his caustic puppeteers are causing me to rethink supporting his effort now and later.
    I voted for Richard Nixon, that’s the only Dick I’ll ever vote for.
    Trump stop being a Dick, if that’s possible.

  13. Okay. I guess we’re in derangement syndrome land.

    On the friggin Bill O’Reilly video he says he’s going to knock on doors and deport people.
    Go look at the Irish guy overstaying his VISA example.

    That’s JACK BOOTING when Trump does it, but somehow it’s not when Cruz says he’ll do it…
    and he said 1 month ago to Jake Tapper that he WOULDN”T DO IT.

    You’re pissing me off because you’re pissing on my leg and telling me it’s raining.

    I know how to read and hear.
    You’re Nuckin Futz.

  14. Menderman, you’ve lost your mind —->

    what Cruz said 5 weeks ago was brilliant and fantastic. Tapper suggested the Trump calls for a ‘deportation force’ that will knock on doors looking for illegals, and Cruz said that he would not allow that, and I agree wholeheartedly! Cruz has not evolved one bit.>>>>


    I think the failure here is you never really understood what “knocking on doors meant.”

    It’s not going door to door at random and kicking in doors to see if illegals are there.

    “Knocking on doors” means having a record of overstaying a VISA and going and knocking on the door and rounding them up.

    Cruz’s old position was that he would deport illegals that ran afoul of the law ONLY, and not hunt illegals down that simply overstayed their VISA – thus, KNOCKING ON DOORS. That’s where the expression comes from.
    Now he says he will do that.
    That’s called EVOLVING (to be kind.)


  15. NBC-
    Ted Cruz asserted Monday night that he would “of course” support federal law enforcement agents actively looking for undocumented immigrants to deport.

    “Of course you would,” Cruz told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly. “That’s what [Immigrations and Customs Enforcement] exists for. We have law enforcement that looks for people who are violating the laws that apprehends and deports them.”
    O’Reilly pushed Cruz to definitively answer whether he would “go look for them,” referring to undocumented immigrants in the country.

    He then laid out a specific scenario for Cruz: a hypothetical father who “overstays his visa — and he’s got a couple of kids.” O’Reilly asked Cruz whether he, as president, would “send the feds to his house, take him out and put him back on a plane.”

    Cruz responded: “You better believe it.”

    In previous months, Cruz had gone only so far as to suggest that any undocumented immigrant apprehended should be detained. He had yet to suggest law enforcement should actively look for undocumented immigrants.

    Cruz’s response runs counter to his own comments to CNN in January, when he dismissed a “deportation force” and said: “I don’t intend to send jackboots to knock on your door…


    Ya, the above is “spin.”

    Are you not getting the difference in the 2 positions??
    That’s alarming.

  16. And furthermore… I’m DELIGHTED that he’s evolved.
    Better for me.
    I’m not using this as a “don’t vote for Cruz” moment.
    I’m using this as a
    “My prospects have just gotten better” moment.

    If Cruz wins GREAT!!!!! He’s gotten better and tougher on deportation.

    A few more losses and he might simply take over Trump’s entire platform.
    And then, and only then, will you think it’s wonderful.

  17. Cruz clearly said he would knock on the door of a specific person that was a known illegal. That is very true. Cruz correctly said he would not send a deportation force to knock on doors at random. Cruz told Tapper that he is against knocking on doors at random.

    How has Cruz evolved?

  18. “I like this Cruz. What took him so long?”

    Ummm, slow to realize you say anything to get elected? Time honored tradition. Shame his staffers didn’t brief him on this point right out of the gate.

  19. I’d like to remind everyone here of a simple fact. Our nation, laws, and government has held statements made ‘under duress’ to not be accountable to the individual uttering such.

    If you think for a moment a person competing for the most powerful position on this planet, decided by a popularity contest voted on by ill informed, mostly ignorant voters is not under duress, you need to repeat tenth grade grammar.

    In the candidates case, there is no downside for lying. Because you’ll only know they lied after the fact.

    Too late for you to do fuck all about it.

    All the candidates know this. Do you?

  20. @Lowell – that’s why I’ll take a non-politician’s promise over a politician/lawyer’s promise this time around.
    The definition of insanity?
    Voting for another politician and expecting different results.

  21. There is nothing wrong with candidate Cruz.

    If he says he’s going to knock on doors and deport people overstaying their VISAs… GREAT!!!!

    I’m looking forward to the eventual winner of the presidency doing that.
    I don’t care if his name is Trump and he’s orange and has goofy hair, ‘or if his name is Cruz and he has no lips or chin and smiles upside down.

    I don’t give a shit.
    I’m not going to give a reach-around to either one.

    Give me the guy building a wall, deporting illegals, keeping out Muslim refugees, positioning America first in trade deals, ending this endless experimentation with feminizing our country and military, ending PC bullshit, strengthening our military, repealing Obamacare and starting over, unleashing the power of capitalism, ripping out the department of education, dumping Common Core, ending collective bargaining and unions for public workers, strengthening our sense of nationalism/jingoism (ya, I’m into that), murdering Muslim Jihadists wherever they are…

    Who’s going to do that? Bring me that guy.

    Holy Christ, 4 years ago I had to get excited over Mitt Romney, a guy that would have done NONE of this. Now we have candidates that are echoing the shit we want to get done and we have assassination squads going after both of them.

    Now when Cruz seems to be fading you’re going to get complete twats supporting GANG OF 8 Rubio who LIED TO HIS CONSTITUENTS DIRECTLY TO THEIR FACE because they are afraid of the guy who “might” be lying.

  22. Cruz is incapable of renegotiating our Fd up trade deals. That’s Trumps expertise. Cruz is incapable of digging into that contract with Iran. Trumps wheel house. When congress gets grid locked Trump will shine a big light on it and hold ass holes accountable. Cruz doesn’t get that. Doubt me? Look at his campaign. We are blessed to have Trump. Stop and think, he’s paying for this campaign himself.

  23. Menderman jumped the shark long ago.

    If you go back in time and read his comments he seemed more lucid.
    Now, not so much.
    Sometimes a tragedy can screw your brain up.
    Maybe he is on anti depressants.

    Ridiculous. Menderman is passionate about his beliefs. He always has been. He’s fine – bfh

  24. Cruz has NEVER left the position of upholding OBEYING the law on all positions of everything. Everything else is made-up partisan blather to obscure and confuse the issue by candidates and their followers for the benefit of their own candidates.

  25. Taminator,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. One of many links, but one with a link to the proposed Bill in PDF form is;

    He has done so in a new H-1B reform bill (PDF) that sets a minimum wage of $110,000 for H-1B workers. By raising the cost of temporary visa workers, Cruz is hoping to discourage their use. Cruz also wants to eliminate Optional Practical Training Program (OPT). The co-sponsor of this bill, The American Jobs First Act of 2015, is U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who called the OPT program “a backdoor method for replacing American workers.”
    {end quote}

    Still waiting on Trump’s proposal when it come to Visas, but with his “touchback Amnesty” I don’t hold out much hope of it stemming the flow of cheap labor.

  26. Wow Bad_Brad, really ?!?!?

    As I have said previously “supporters have turned into followers…”

    {quote from above}
    “We are blessed to have Trump.”
    {end quote}

    You won’t be hearing me say that about Cruz…….

  27. Depends on your definition of libertarian. More toward being just someone who wants government back within the confines of the Constitution and the people free to pursue their lives within laws that provide boundaries, but without being told what that life should entail.

    Prime example is health insurance. I don’t need to pay for insurance that provides for things like abortion and so forth if my family and I are never going to have a need for such things. The idea of the government telling me I need to buy insurance that covers every whacko thing some loon wants just so my money for insurance can be used to pay for someone else’s choices is immoral and wrong.

    We all are given by God a fixed amount of time here and if we choose to trade some of that time in labor to someone else in order to obtain what is needed for our own choices, then no one else has any business being involved in the compensation we receive for that time given and how we choose to use it.

    If that is being libertarian, then what the heck……

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