Cruz on Not Standing For National Anthem – IOTW Report

Cruz on Not Standing For National Anthem

61 Comments on Cruz on Not Standing For National Anthem

  1. How about this:
    You can sit and show disrespect for the country during the anthem, that is your right.
    It is this country’s right to forgive anybody who kicks you in the face while you’re doing it.

  2. “Stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.” Ted Cruz
    Drop mic

  3. “We don’t want someone to stand and speak and vote his conscience; we want Trump! We don’t want a candidates to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution; we want Trump!” Everyone who booed Ted Cruz

  4. @geeknerd
    I financially and in-kind supported Cruz and voted in the primary for Cruz.

    News Flash ….Cruz isn’t the nominee. I support the nominee, as should Cruz.

    Unless you prefer Hillary, where corruption, gun grabbers, socialists, marxtists, communists, users, abusers and losers congregate.
    Are you in one of these groups or do you support Trump?

  5. Classy as always Czar of Thin Skinned!
    Isn’t that what this country is about voting your conscience?
    I think it is. So you only get to speak your conscience if we agree with you Czar? Sounds like everything I hate about liberals and they people that hate America and our constitution. I’m not going to sit hear and listen to you bad mouth America Gentlemen

  6. Gads, he looks and sounds like LBJ enough to be his grandson.

    I often wonder, if that is a first strike against him. Then he climbs up in his sanctimonious high horse and spouts the ONE thing we all know by heart; his father’s immigration. Talk about liberal talking points, come on Cruz.

    I envision him as president making a world tour and EVERY speech prefaced by his dad’s immigration story.

    TED, TED, wake up get some new material and for heaven’s sake, keep your word about supporting the republican candidate, or you will soon be kissing the behind of her above-the-law highness, Hillary. And I guarantee that won’t be pleasant and SHE will not want to hear your dad”s story. She won’t give a kaka.

  7. F*ck you, JTucker. Troll elsewhere.
    Your hypocrisy is GOPe/Dem transparent.

    I don’t believe for a minute you,
    TrueLies or JohnSh!tForBrains
    will actually be voting for Trump.
    No one in their right mind
    would be sh!tting on Trump as you all do
    and then wrap yourselves up in the fig leaf of
    “…but I’ll vote for him.”


    (Calling me a girl makes me wonder if you’re JohnS in drag)

  8. These conscientious objectors are self absorbed frauds. They have no problem playing victim while putting all blame on others but where are they in demonstrating benevolence and concern for fellow “victims”?

    SF and Oakland have violent, poor black slums, schools, and high illegitimacy rates. Where is this highly paid under performing son of an absent black man in leading that flock to the better opportunities he was graced with?

  9. JTucker MUST be JohnS: he uses the same insults, the same logical deflections when cornered (as if we don’t read your idiotic posts in other threads, moron), and runs away.

    F*CK OFF, LOSER. I have no reason to “look you up;” it would be a waste of ammo.

  10. What Ted Cruz said was right. No need for us to be damning him. I’m sure he will vote for Trump and may even endorse him outright before the election. At least that’s what I’m hoping for.
    Read “The Flight 93 Election” again and again.. The Conintelectuals are the real enemy, not Ted Cruz.

  11. You insult Cruz for not pulling a Bernie and betraying his supporters. You insult Cruz’s supporters, and then expect us to vote for Trump, and are already prepared to blame us if–God forbid–he loses.

    Stop dogging on Cruz and his supporters! You need us now, and you’ll need us–the whole country will need us–in 2024, or, God forbid, 2020.

  12. “The Conintelectuals are the real enemy, not Ted Cruz.”

    Tommy, Ted Cruz can diffuse this NeverTrump movement by manning up and endorsing Trump. 90 percent of NeverTrump are fanatical AlwaysCruz. Go read the Scoops comment section. Any of their comments sections. So I’m not going to call thin skinned Teddy our enemy, but he sure as hell isn’t our ally.
    You remaining Cruz fans. Just go by the issues and leave the emotion out of it and you’ll find Cruz’s position are almost identical to Trumps. So wtf? We’re not electing a potential best friend here. We need somebody to get us back on course.
    And the Cruz fans here that are announcing they will vote for Trump should not be attacked constantly. Honestly reading some of the comments and attacks here lately remind me of when the Scoop was banning people left and right. Let’s focus on the vote. Just my two pesos.

  13. I can’t even put up a nice Ted Cruz post at this point without it becoming a fight.
    So I might have to put Cruz on ignore until he comes to his senses like Mark Levin.

    I don’t mean to take sides when these fights erupt, but, if I have to step back and be objective I think the Cruz people are dead wrong.

    The Trump people’s invective comes from the fact that Trump won and he’s not getting the backing of the loser and the loser’s followers.
    The Cruz people’s invective comes from the fact that they think their candidate was superior to Trump and Trump won.

    Any derogatory comments about Trump are met with pushback because the result of the derogatory comments can only help Hillary right here, right now.
    Any derogatory comments about Cruz are met with pushback because Cruz backers are looking to some future time when Cruz may or may not win a primary and it’s all about Cruz in the future.

    On balance, Trump people are more righteous for what their objectives are.
    Cruz people are fantasists, concerned with an abstract, lost in what “could have been,” to the detriment of what has to be done right now.

  14. Fur, we won’t have a country in 2024, please don’t pigeonhole all Cruz supporters, see my post right above yours. I don’t think it should be ignored, Trump will need all the votes he can get. We can get there civily, as soon as Czar grows up.

  15. The fights are always a pain in the ass to have to wade through. Like a school yard at a new elementary school on a hot day when you are 7 years old. You can either keep your mouth shut or you can fight, not many other options.

  16. Does anybody really give a shit if Ted endorses Trump at this point???
    No. It’s like every newspaper endorsing a Democrat. No one gives a shit.
    Ted is polling 0. Gary Johnson 7% he is the freak’n enemy.
    Cruz supporters like myself are voting Trump. No question but the constant Ted sucks is exhausting on this site. I used to come here to laugh. I think that was the original purpose wasn’t it. I took to heart that you didnt want people bashing Trump and then saying you will vote for him. I get it you are correct but it works both ways.
    Oh and I live in Pinehurst, NC and I served in the Secret Service under Ronald Reagan.

  17. Does anybody really give a shit if Ted endorses Trump at this point???>>

    I do.
    I said it was a mistake for Trump to say “I can win without this support and that support.”

    No you can’t.

    We need every available person on board.
    And it’s important for me to see Cruz make a statement along the lines of (worded any way he wants to word it) Trump is still a dick. He is the nominee that can stop Hillary. I don’t like him. But Hillary is much much worse. Yes, voting against Hillary is a valid reason to vote for Trump. Vote Trump.

    It would mean a lot.

    He’s got so many people so enraptured with him rather than the country that it’s dangerous.

    One woman on The Right Scoop said if Hillary dropped out she’d be happy to vote for Tim Kaine.

  18. Cruz could tell his clinging supporters to endorse Trump so we won’t have to suffer in the Hillary gulag. That would be a big help.
    So, that’s one thing I hate him for, even though I supported him before the mask came off.

    The dems are going to cheat big — bigger than they have in the past. We need more than a landslide to win this.

  19. If I’m wrong about this, I’ll be moving to a location far, far away from here and probably give up the internets altogether.

    Trump said what he said about not needing Cruz’s endorsement as a matter of fact and resignation. Aren’t we all tired of feeling on tenterhooks over a junior Senator who thought he could win the presidency using the current president’s play book? He didn’t make it through the primary and only got as far as he did through old-school political art — the kind we’re all exhausted from.

    We’re not battling Cruz. We’re in an epic struggle against all the forces of the globalist Uniparty.

    Ted Cruz, if he wants to continue in politics, would be wise to take care of business in Texas instead of putting any energy into a 2024 run. Otherwise he’ll wind up looking like a Gary Johnson.

  20. —-I said it was a mistake for Trump to say “I can win without this support and that support.”

    No you can’t.—

    Yes he can. What’s a Cruz endorsement worth now, 6 votes tops? He’s a nobody in the big picture now and he did it ti himself.

  21. Cruz will vote for Cruz. Nothing and no one matters more to Cruz than himself. The actions Cruz has taken to sabotage other candidates, refusing to endorse Trump and passive aggressively encouraging his clueless followers to become NeverTrump advocates proves he’s nacissistic, underhanded and manical. Comments he’s making at this point ring hollow, because he has no integrity.

  22. NaviBoy, you can’t even say “I’m a former Cruz supporter.”
    No, you’re *still* a Cruz supporter.
    Who happens to *claim* he’s voting for Trump.

    You don’t like my posts to idiot trolls
    (who are considerably less articulate and void of thought)?
    Don’t read ’em.

    Grow up?
    Hey Cruz supporter, try: up yours, punk.

  23. That guy makes some damn good holsters. I have the HF-1 and a cross draw for a full size 1911. The HF-1 hugs the grip tight to your body. It’s a great concealed carry holster. I just picked up a Commander sized 1911 so I need another one.

  24. So I can’t be a Cruz and Trump supporter? BTW I didn’t read one “troll” talking shit about Trump on this thread. It was the other way around. But as far as the never Trumpers, I agree, they should realize the clear and present danger that a Clinton administration brings. I seriously question their thought process but.. there’s still time to convince them. I question your method, Czar.

  25. J Tucker, Last I checked he was about 4 months out on delivery. Worth the wait. He used to have testimonials up on his page from a bunch of Texas Rangers. I carry a full size Les Baer and before I found this guy I carried it in a Kydex Blade Tech which is a damn fast holster but it took the finish off the gun. Oh well. She’s no safe princess.

  26. Navigator, I trust you’re PLAYING naive/dumb:
    ONLY ONE – Trump – is running for President.

    Doing the rah rahs for anyone else in that context –
    which is what we’re talking about here –
    is well beyond counterproductive.
    It sounds like you’re confusing the issues.

  27. J Tucker, Book marked. I haven’t picked up any body armor yet. Half the guys I train with wear it when they’re training. “Full Kit”. I aways thought it was a little extreme but I’m changing my mind. I don’t see how we get through this election cycle with out violence.

  28. J Tucker, what are your thoughts on where LEO at the Federal level will land if Martial Law is imposed? Are they with us or against. I’ve sold guns to several U.S. Marshals, a DEA guy, and a bunch of LEO at the state level and all of them sound like us.

  29. Some people here are full of shit! I supported Cruz. He lost. I now fully support Trump. I will not insult Cruz or any other republican that supports Trump. Trump needs all of us. The Electoral College will decide who our next President is. Trump needs to win every state, except Massachushits. Wise to fuck up y’all.

  30. —- i will not insult Cruz or any other republican that supports Trump. —-

    With all due respect, it’s because Cruz doesn’t support Trump he has taken hits.

    A lot of us supported him. Do you give Bush, Graham, Fiarina the same lofty views after breaking their pledge? They didn’t grandstand at the convention after being offered an olive brach and a stage.

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