Cruz Picks Up Congressman Justin Amash Endorsement – IOTW Report

Cruz Picks Up Congressman Justin Amash Endorsement

Why I trust Ted Cruz

12 Comments on Cruz Picks Up Congressman Justin Amash Endorsement

  1. He nailed it, in my opinion. The Constitution is our bedrock. Those who determine how it applies and what it says effect us for a long, long time. Oath: Defend the Constitution. You need to know it before you can defend it.

  2. I’m all about endorsements. Washed up celebrities telling me which vendor to buy gold from. Which insurance company to provide for my ‘final expenses’, what diet plan is going to take that ‘stubborn belly fat’ off of me for once and all.

    They can stick all of that up their ass, because I don’t know them. Don’t know the above referenced guy either.

    He may piss Holy Water and shit communion wafers. I don’t know.

    There be about four people walking the face of this planet tell me, ‘this guy is alright’, and I’ll behave as if he actually is. Because all four of them would gladly share the prison cell with me were that to be in error. They’d never tell me that about ANY politician, because they know I’d never trust them again.

    Public endorsements of politicians = thumbs up on twitter for Kardashians.

    Carries the same weight for me.

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