Cruz Polling Horribly in Jobs-Ravaged Ohio Because of Muddled TPA / TPP Message – IOTW Report

Cruz Polling Horribly in Jobs-Ravaged Ohio Because of Muddled TPA / TPP Message


A CNN poll on Wednes­day showed Don­ald Trump lead­ing in Ohio, with 41 per­cent, over John Kasich, at 35 per­cent. Cruz was in third, with 15 per­cent.

The Cruz cam­paign on Thurs­day told WND that the sen­a­tor sup­ported Con­gress giv­ing Pres­i­dent Obama “Trade Pro­mo­tion Author­ity,” TPA, gen­er­ally known as “Fast Track.” It would allow the White House to push the Trans-Pacific Part­ner­ship, TPP, through Con­gress in an up or down vote with lim­ited debate and no amend­ments.

But the cam­paign said Cruz always has opposed the TPP and sup­ports TPA only because he favors free trade gen­er­ally.

How­ever, on April 22, 2015, Cruz co-authored with Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc, then chair­man of the House Ways and Means Com­mit­tee, an op-ed in the Wall Street Jour­nal that endorsed TPP and its sis­ter Trans-Atlantic Part­ner­ship.

“By estab­lish­ing TPA, Con­gress will send a sig­nal to the world,” Ryan and Cruz stressed in their last para­graph. “America’s trad­ing part­ners will know that the U.S. is trust­wor­thy and then put their best offers on the table.”

They con­tin­ued: “America’s rivals will know that the U.S. is seri­ous and won’t aban­don the field. And the Amer­i­can peo­ple will know this trade agree­ment is a good, fair deal – because they’ll have the infor­ma­tion they need to decide for them­selves. … Pro­mot­ing Amer­i­can trade will cre­ate more oppor­tu­nity in the coun­try, and so we strongly urge our col­leagues in Con­gress to vote for trade-promotion author­ity.”

In the period Feb­ru­ary through April 2015, Cruz and Ryan sup­ported Con­gress vot­ing TPA for the Trans-Pacific Part­ner­ship, going so far as to add a TPA pro­vi­sion toHR2146, a bill orig­i­nally intro­duced in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives to deal with the retire­ment funds of fed­eral law enforce­ment offi­cers, with spe­cific ref­er­ence to TPP(at Sec. 107).

The Cruz cam­paign said noth­ing Cruz has ever said indi­cates sup­port for TPP, dis­count­ing both the lan­guage added to HR2146 and the Ryan-Cruz op-ed.



17 Comments on Cruz Polling Horribly in Jobs-Ravaged Ohio Because of Muddled TPA / TPP Message

  1. Thank you, we all want the same thing but don’t agree on who can get us there. Each person needs to look at both candidates positions and make their decision based on who has stood against Washington, done what they said and would be able to bring the country back from the Obama disaster.

  2. Give Ted 20 minutes.
    He’ll talk until you just say, “ya, you’re right, you didn’t say or do that thing that we all saw you say and do.”

    The WSJ essay was simply his way of rooting out Ed Shmenkman and forcing Schmenkman to admit he ate the strawberries.

  3. How anybody can still find Cruz trustworthy at this point is beyond me.
    Sure, he is better than Hillary (I guess), but he will sell our asses out the first chance he gets.

    He lost me forever with his comments after the Chicago riot.
    He’s just another politician telling the people what he thinks they want to hear.
    He will say anything, yet do nothing.
    ‘Might as well elect John Boehner for all the good it will do us.

    Go Republicans!

  4. No, you are just talking crap.
    Can you imagine such a limp dick as Cruz in the White House?
    He pulled a Benghazi Hillary move and told an obviously transparent lie just for political advantage when he could have told the truth and gained the admiration of everyone, but he took the cheap liars way out and that’s why he will never be President.
    He’s weak.
    Maybe everyone in the Senate hates him not because he’s anti-establishment, but because he’s an untrustworthy man that will say anything?

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