Cruz Teams Up With Trump at Iran Rally – IOTW Report

Cruz Teams Up With Trump at Iran Rally

WSJ– Texas Sen. Ted Cruz may be struggling to beat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential campaign, but he is teaming up with him for a Sept. 9 rally in Washington against the Iran nuclear deal.


“We are talking to Ted Cruz about doing something very big over the next two weeks in Washington,” Mr. Trump told reporters on Thursday in South Carolina. “It is essentially a protest over the totally incompetent deal with Iran.”

Tea Party Patriots, one of the groups sponsoring the rally, later announced the rally will be held on the Capitol grounds near the time Congress is expected to vote on the deal, which President Barack Obama says will greatly reduce the threat of Iran developing nuclear weapons. Critics say it is too lax and will increase rather than reduce the nuclear threat.  MORE

h/t CStevenTucker

18 Comments on Cruz Teams Up With Trump at Iran Rally

  1. It’s a good move by Cruz. Trump will bring huge crowds, Cruz will get to speak to them. A lot of these folks might be hearing Cruz for the first time and he well resonate with them. Some might even be thinking if Trump could speak like that, he’d be a shoo in. At worst case, he gets some air time and his name out there.

    Meanwhile, the bottom tier folks, not hearing too much from them.

  2. Great venue. BUT:
    best of all???
    Having both of them together at a political event should have the GOP Establishment sh!tting in their collective pants for days!

  3. Yep, I’ve had the same thought. Cruz is heir apparent and brings the Constitutional knowledge Trump doesn’t have. Every time Trump moves the conversation to the right it leaves Cruz room to stay to the right but not appear “fringe” or “extreme” by comparison.

    Trump is the pulling offensive guard, Cruz is the tailback carrying the package.

  4. Ideal situation, no question. But the fact of the matter is this, Trump has the exact experience required to make an impact on turning this country around. Ignore the side show and his T.V. crap. He’s successful for a reason in an arena anybody else running would fail. I love Cruz, but he doesn’t have the skill set required. In 8 or even 4 years as a VP to Trump he would.

  5. I will vote for either one or any combination. I don’t care. They would be a huge improvement over any Democrat or GOPe. That includes all the candidates that are being paid to mess up the not-Bush candidates.

    I’m not crossing Trump off my list because he has an ego or even – as a business man – he cozied up to or gave money to unsavory elements of life (progs, etc.). He admits it. Wouldn’t you want someone who can play both sides TO GET WHAT HE WANTS working for us? You know he loves America. He would do what he needs to for the benefit of America.

    Nor am I going to cross off Ted Cruz because he didn’t handle a gotcha question the way I wanted him to. I can’t believe all the vitriol for someone that has fought all his adult life (in and out of politics) for the Constitution, smaller government and conservative policies. Dammit, he stood up to the Senate – at the ridicule of his fellow senators and the country – to get rid of Obamacare. He stood up in the Senate and called Mitch McConnell a liar. He knows he is hated by most of the political world. Even so, he still fights for his constituents who elected him to do exactly what he is doing. Tell me who else running for President (besides Trump) has that kind of spine?

  6. Thank you, Claudia. I agree. Cruz is still my first choice. I fail to understand how people can forgive Trump for all the lefty ties and statements, but are quick to dump Cruz over one gotcha interview.

  7. i think we, the joe averages of the world, have been bullied to, lied to and pissed on by the uni-party, the political class, that we are anxiously watching Trump. Hopeful that he will do what he promises.

    I want to see him steamroll the GOP and its elites, leaving nothing but a huge stain in the history books where it was last seen standing, flipping off the TrumpRoller.

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