Cruz- “You Can’t Simply Scream Liar When I Point Out Your Policy Position” – IOTW Report

Cruz- “You Can’t Simply Scream Liar When I Point Out Your Policy Position”

36 Comments on Cruz- “You Can’t Simply Scream Liar When I Point Out Your Policy Position”

  1. He’s right about Rubio. As bad as Cruz has tapped danced about some of his positions, Rubio is the cake taker here.

    As for his charge about Trump and PPA, he omits all of what Trump said and says that Trump said PPA does wonderful things for women. What Trump actually said was “ASIDE FROM ABORTION,
    PPA does some wonderful things for women”

    Well you can argue that PPA really doesn’t do much else besides murder babies. And you can argue that passing out condoms and birth control pills might fall into the realm of doing some wonderful things for women.

    But what you can’t do that Cruz is CONSTANTLY doing is taking a portion of what Trump says and using that to frame Trump’s position.

    It’s dishonest. And all the beseeching of Cruz for “the Truth” can’t change the fact he’s a slimy, typical politician.

  2. “Trump is sounding like a whiney bitch. I am seriously sick of his schtick”

    Ahh did you just watch the same video I did? Because there was only one whiny bitch in it and it sure didn’t look like Donald Trump.

  3. No I didn’t watch the video because I am getting sick of this primary. I watched Trump’s “press conference” yesterday;s and watched the SC debate. I watched the faces Trump made as others on stage made their case. I watched Trump denigrate GW Bush. I don’t trust Trump. I think he is as much of a Republican conservative as Mayor Bloomberg.

  4. From the Daily Caller: “Trump has called himself a member of the GOP since 2009. At the same time he has changed party affiliation at least four times in the last 16 years-an average of once for each presidential election.” He was “very impressed” with Nancy Pelosi and Hugo Chavez. How can we possibly trust this guy. The candidates ripping on each other is tearing the conservative side of the equation apart. I hope it doesn’t put Sanders or Hillary in office. If it does we are done as a free nation.

  5. Dare I list all of the lies and flip flops of Ted Cruz?

    Actually why bother? Again, I should add. You’ve got your horse in this race.

    If you don’t care for Trump’s plain spoken solutions to the nightmare policies that we’re swimming in, there’s nothing that I can do by repeating them.

    I’ll still vote for Cruz should Trump lose. Can you Cruzbots say the same?

  6. Okay, I went back and listened to the clip. I didn’t want to because, as I said before, I am sick of this primary. I have no problem with what Cruz just said. I was going by the title of the clip which came from the last few seconds of the clip. Qualifier, I watched as much of the SC debate as I could stand and as much of Trump’s press conference as I could stand. I don’t like the guy. He’s going to sue Cruz if the doesn’t straighten up. seriously? This belongs on Jerry Springer. When you play in a pigpen everyone gets dirty.

  7. I must have watched a different video just now.
    All I heard was rational statements about facts.
    I didn’t hear or see any whiny bitches . . . .

    . . . . In the video that is . . . . 😉

  8. TO Ohio Dan

    Please keep in mind a few things:

    * SC is a state which LOVES dirty politics…the dirtier, the better.
    * SC is an Open Primary state, so don’t be surprised if a candidate chooses to appeal to both sides.
    * This last debate – the worst – was preceeded by perhaps the best. Setting aside the audiences and moderators, did you notice a difference in the conduct of the candidates?

  9. I’ve been unhappy with some of the things Trump has said recently, but anyone who still buys into the “Cruz is a man of integrity” BS is a fool. Surgically removing quotes from context, and playing video clips from 1999 to smear Trump with “policy positions” he no longer holds is simply lying.

  10. I prefer the type of debate where the audience is told to keep quiet. I think they invited an Arsenio audience. I will give that to Trump. I am old school and prefer at least some semblance of dignity in politics. Yes SC politics is some of the most sleazy political tricks in the business. There was a difference in this debate. It was worse than the last but each debate has been wore than the previous. I still maintain that I will vote for Trump if he is the nominee. Sanders and Hillary are disasters for this country but I will need a bath afterwards. My radar is way up on this guy. Sweet Lord, is this the best we can do?

  11. Trump supporters who keep attacking Cruz and his supporters should do this: Place these voting blocks in order by suspected population, then think about who you want to bitch about:

    Cruz supporters who will not vote for Trump if he is the nominee
    Cruz supporters who will not vote for a GOPe if nominee
    Trump supporters who will not vote if Trump is the nominee
    Trump supporters who will write in “Trump” if he is not the nominee
    GOPe supporters who will never vote for Trump
    GOPe supporters who will never vote for Cruz

  12. To Meerkat

    (I assume in #3 you meant T supporters not voting for Cruz, yes?)

    If your message is that we should support the nominee, whether it is Trump or Cruz (let’s set aside !Jeb! and Rubot), I’m with you.

    If that is not your point, could you please clarify?

  13. We can add Trump supporters who will not vote for Cruz if he is the nominee
    But I think the higher population is Trump voters who will sit home and not vote if he is not the nominee.
    My point is that the Trump supporters seem to be much more of the mindset of “My way or the highway” than the Cruz supporters. The way I’m reading things is that a “Trump or Bust” bumper sticker would outsell a “Cruz or Bust” bumper sticker 8-to-1.
    Also it’s many in the establishment who are saying they would never vote for Trump or Cruz, even though the conservatives went to polls for McCain and Romney.

  14. Oh…you mean “T supporters who will not vote if T is NOT the nominee. (thanks for the clarification)

    From my loitering around Right Scoop, moonbattery, Reaganite Republican, Daily Wire, and so on and so forth, I can confirm the opposite is AT LEAST AS TRUE, if not moreso.

    Here at this site, there’s even this Troll-Come-Lately true liberty [sic] who said – paraphrasing the SOB – if Trump is the nominee he’ll vote for Hillary to expedite the downfall of America, rather than see a slow-burn ruin the conservative name.

    So, while I agree the tensions are building, the DIVIDE AND CONQUER seems roughly equal on those two sides and, if let to fester, will only help the GOPe !Jeb! and Rubot.

  15. So sick of hearing Rubio and Trump’s BS. Marco, you are for amnesty. Period. Stop accusing Ted of being exactly what you are. Trump, tell us some specific things you’re going to do. “Winning” is not a policy plan. It’s a brag.

  16. TO Ohio Dan

    IF ONLY it were that simple!
    The GOP has in its rules a number of “qualifications” for someone to become the hands-down-no-questions-asked WINNER of the Primary.

    ONE being that such a person must win EIGHT of the “Winner Take All” states…and supposedly states can elect to allocate delegates as winner take all ONLY ON OR AFTER March 15 (and even some of those states have extra qualifiers, like the winner must get over a certain percentage, or else the delegates get distributed proportionately).

    They did this earlier, back when there were a bunch of troll Candidates (Gilmore, Christie, Graham, even Kasich) put in just to collect delegates for !Jeb!. THAT route is no longer an option.

    THIS MEANS that the GOP has made it VERY VERY DIFFICULT for a candidate to win on their own, and highly tilts things to a BROKERED CONVENTION.

    THAT SAID, *MY* respectful suggestion is:
    by MArch 15, it seems there is a CLEAR LEADER (let’s say either Cruz or Trump),
    AND IF you live in a “Winner Take All” state,
    please vote for THAT candidate, to avoid “splitting votes” and allowing the GOPe to broker
    !Jeb! or Rubot as the Presidential candidate
    forcing !Jeb! or Rubot on the Cruz or Trump ticket as V.P. (reference: GHWBush for Reagan).

  17. What I appreciate is this comment thread was largely devoid of derogatory comments about the commentators. comments were mostly intelligent and people, including myself,anylized their own positions.

  18. If Trump thinks Cruz is playing dirty then I would call what Trump did to Carson in November as disgraceful and disgusting.

    Relating the childhood compulsive temper to that of a child molester was disgraceful and then saying that it cant be cured and he is not fit for president because of that

    Doing that to a man with 100 times more character than Mr trump was pathetic.

    So I’m really tired of the whining, complaining, lawsuit threats, and running 3rd party threats because somebody points to his inconsistencies.

    There are legitimate concerns that conservatives have about his inconsistent views and putting a book out the same year of his prez bid to convince conservatives that he is changed and talking tough on a few issues is not convincing to me. I’ll stick with a conservative that has fought GOPe and fought for liberty before the supreme court 9 times.

  19. JP, absolutely. The nerve of Trump telling everyone Carson had dropped out of the race. And those threatening mailers. Not just Iowa but Texas too. The nerve of Trump. Dude your sense of right and wrong is fucked up and misplaced.

  20. Trumps hands are as dirty as anybody’s so stop your whining Trump and Trump fanboys/girls

    Now Trump is spreading a lie himself claiming that Tom Coburn called Ted Cruz the most dishonest man in the Senate. Ooops Coburn never said it.

    What he did to Ben Carson was an attack on his character and his mental state? That attack in Nov was why Carson was in 4th place and not because some Cruz party caucus goers mentioned Carson might be out of the race.

  21. “Trumps hands are as dirty as anybody’s”

    I won. I won. I finally got one of these fanatics to admit Cruz doesn’t walk on water. But here’s the deal slick. This is politics, I expect some shenanigans from all. However Cruz has taken it to a new level, with a bible in his hand. Seem a little hypocritical to me.

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