Cruz’s Take on Kim Davis – IOTW Report

Cruz’s Take on Kim Davis

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14 Comments on Cruz’s Take on Kim Davis

  1. But anyone can be here ILLEGALLY – BREAKING THE LAW BY THEIR VERY EXISTENCE IN THIS COUNTRY – and that’s okay – no need to uphold THOSE laws. God haters are very selective about which laws to enforce.

    Exactly which law did she break, anyway?

  2. God Bless Miss Davis and Ted Cruz. This is what Christians are supposed to do – abide by God’s Law, not the orders of corrupt, godless, federal judges.

    They have no authority to prohibit the free exercise of religion. Kim Davis is walking the walk of Christianity by not giving in to what her religion sees as an abomination to the God that she worships.

    Prayers for Miss Davis to hold fast in the faith through this persecution.

  3. Good for her. When the case hits the courts she’ll be found guilty in the lower ones and I suspect not guilty in the higher appeals courts until it hits the Supreme Court. Perhaps by that time your country will have a real President who has respect for the constitution and a couple of the libs on the SCOTUS will have retired or passed on after Obama leaves and the new President gets to appoint conservative Judges to the bench to try to swing the judicial pendulum back to the center.

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