Cry Hard – IOTW Report

Cry Hard

Legal Insurrection

As reports swirled this morning that an agreement was imminent, triggered Twitter leftists got “RIP Twitter” to trend, and The Usual Suspects lined up just as they did a week or so ago when Musk first made his offer to toss around terms like “white supremacy,” “corporate greed,” and to fret over whether this would mean Donald Trump would be allowed to return More

24 Comments on Cry Hard

  1. The minute the deal is finalized, Musk needs to demand that the entire board resign or be fired, and he better have loyal and qualified people ready to step in and take over key roles throughout the company. He also needs to make it clear that any employee attempting to sabotage his new property will be caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Twitter is going to be infested with countless little back-stabbing cocksuckers looking to throw a monkey wrench in the works at every opportunity, especially if they think that they can get away with it.

  2. I’ll try and reactivate my account tomorrow. For the soul purpose of revisiting Ron Perlmans bull shit. That’s the bitch that got me tossed for good. After he threatened me. I merely pointed out to the dumb bitch he would be a lot easier to find than me. Boom, gone.

  3. Brad: “Hasn’t Musk already announced he will not pay board members? I think he has.”

    I’m not concerned about their pay — if, after everything they’ve done, they’re left in any position of control or influence, then Musk will be fighting them and their adherents every minute of every day. It will be constant war and chaos.

  4. Cry hard? Nobody, absolutely nobody crys fucking harder than righty-tighties with their panties in a wad. Wah, wah, wah, I want my mommie. Mommie, mama, mother can you pull my panties out of my butt.


  6. Brad: “You miss my point. If they’re not getting paid, the majority will not stick around.”

    No doubt, these assholes love to get paid, but power and control are their own reward, and that’s what led them to reject Musk’s offer in the first place: maintaining their control over the narrative instead of scoring a big payday. Not hard to see some of them stick around even without the monetary compensation — and likely the most ideologically-driven — just to help “guide the conversation” here and there, or to direct key people in certain positions to do X, Y, or Z, etc., etc., etc. Musk needs to make a clean sweep in favor of people fully committed to his vision and capable of carrying it out, not rely on the same commie ass-wipes who created the current situation in the first place.

  7. It probably won’t happen until fall when everything is official, but I can see Elon walking into a board meeting and telling the members “Well boys, pack yer shit and leave… I’m taking the company to Texas and yer not invited!”


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