Crying Woman Olympic Boxer Has No Balls – IOTW Report

18 Comments on Crying Woman Olympic Boxer Has No Balls

  1. I notice that the female boxer is Italian. Hopefully some of her “connected” compadres and piasanos can meet that POS MALE (yes, I misgendered. So what? Gonna sue me? F**k you!) (koff!) “boxer” (KOFF!) in a dark alley and “persuade” him to give up his errant ways……or else.
    (gee, you gots a nice body. be a shame if somthin’ were to happen to it, ya’know’wha’d’I’mean?)

  2. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight –

    I’ll bet those piasanos can find him at the next Mapplethorpe convention…

  3. Years of training, sweat and tears become null and void by a male masquerading as a female.
    The olympic committee is no better that the US WNBA Basketball team placing Griner on the US team. Perverts for the win.

  4. Remember when they had the “Stonewall Riots” more than 50 years ago, because government people were being mean to fags? And all the nice people cheeted them on?

    F—k that noise. The worm has turned, and now the establishment sponsors turant, bully homos. And the state media, which is always fretting about coming backlash against faggot encroachments—a backlash which never seems to materialize—had better get ready, because this time, there will be a backlash. It may take the form of street justice if TPTB refuse to deal with this systemic abuse of women.

  5. The godless feminists along with their enabling demons such as; Ketanji Brown Jackson, try and tell us there is no difference between male and female. This nonsense started with Helen Reddy singing her song “I am women hear me roar” in 1972….they are not “roaring” now are they.
    Putting men in a boxing ring with women is sadistic.

    Real men are repulsed by this. It is the soy boys that think this is a good idea. And I second the idea that one of the other male boxers could catch this guy after hours.

  6. Violence against women is a hallmark of the left. An evil endeavor.
    The attempt to marginalize, mock, humiliate and even eliminate women.
    Retaliation by Satan for Eve’s role in his defeat;
    People need to realize the spiritual realm affects everything in the natural. That’s why the assault on women should be addressed first by seeking God and receiving the solution through Christ. A path the world has refused, yet the hope remains with an individual decision to know God.

  7. These women athletes agreeing to “fight” these queer freaks are being pressured by the countries they represent. Probably threatened with dire consequences if the don’t participate. Am example of globalist countries surrendering to wicked, dangerous Marxist virtue signaling by putting women’s lives in danger.


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