Cryptic Tweets – IOTW Report

Cryptic Tweets

When I say “cryptic tweets” I’m not talking about Trump’s, I’m talking about tweets like Brenden Dilley’s.

I don’t know of Dilley’s work, I never heard of the guy, and I assume he’s a nice guy. I’m just a little sick of the lazy cryptic tweet. I’m not attacking Dilley, his tweet just happened to be the one that broke the camel’s back. They are all over twitter-

“Tick tock.”

“In 3…2…1…”

“Stay tuned for what’s about to happen next…”

“Bombshell Monday.”

Why can’t they say what that something is?

Because they have nothing, otherwise they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

The vagueness is a device that’s meant to imply that they are in the know about something, something that can’t be said, lest they be killed, but they are brave enough to drop me, the outsider, a hint. Meanwhile, these tweets almost universally never amount to anything (James O’Keefe being the exception).

But, if something/anything happens, they are someone to be feared and respected as an all-knowing insider.

Just tell me what it is that’s going to happen. I don’t need the cliffhanger bit.

You can read more about the president’s tweet HERE

38 Comments on Cryptic Tweets

  1. I would agree that it’s click bait if they had me clicking somewhere.
    There seems to be no monetization in lots of these tweets, other than increasing the value of their ego if something happens to happen where they can claim they “knew about it all along.”

  2. This post may seem petty, but we can all agree that we on the right have been through hundreds of moments, especially with Trey Gowdy, where the big bombshell is going to explode on the corrupt heads of the left… and nothing happens.
    I think we should stop with the carrot on the stick crap, because I’m going to start exploding some real bombshells on the heads of our own guys.

    Hannity’s “tick tock” tweet.
    What happened?
    The clock stopped ticking?
    Maybe he should get a Timex.

  3. Twitter was intended as amusement for teenage girls.
    Nothing more.

    Mostly noise. Little signal.

    It’s like CB Radio, once every moron with $29 got on the airwaves.

    Twitter makes Facebook look like a Mensa convention.

  4. By the way, speaking of things overused , I’d like to nominate the most overused, faddish word in the history of the English language: “iconic”.

    It should be a federal crime to use the word more than once every six months, punishable by being tasered repeatedly.

  5. Interesting. I don’t ‘tweet’ or Facebook, but I have a rabid, although non violent and civil, leftist in my neighborhood. I can’t tell you how many times he greets me with that ‘they’ve got him now’, or ‘he’s going to jail’, ‘tweet’ language.

    I know he doesn’t tweet or Facebook, either, but according to him, the ‘best’ news is MSNBC or CNN. ‘If only I would watch those channels instead of FOX, I’d see the light!’ I keep telling him I DON’T WATCH FOX.

    SO, my conclusion is that the cryptic tweeters and my leftist neighbor watch the same news and thus,are fed their talking points for the day, which become comically repeated by all the leftist robots.

  6. “I think we should stop with the carrot on the stick crap, because I’m going to start exploding some real bombshells on the heads of our own guys.“

    Please don’t tell Mrs. Manderin I’m gay.

  7. Funny, things that used to be “awesome” are now “amazing”. And instead of debate, talk, exchange, or communication, we must have a “conversation”. The words have lost all meaning to me.

  8. “A nationally known, widely used baby formula is being recalled and local supermarkets are taking them off the shelves in a hurry for causing massive internal bleeding to babies. More on that at 11pm tonight.”

    Wha? Bitch, it’s 2pm right now!
    Yeaaaahhhh I hate those motherfuckers.

  9. The tone of many of PDT’s tweets continues to sound as if he is still a candidate, and not POTUS/CinC.

    I realize Obama holdovers are #Resisting in every agency. But i don’t see why POTUS does not simply issue direct written orders for the FBI and State to release specific records to investigators, for instance.
    If specific individuals do not comply they are removed, same day.

    Businessman Trump gets this. It continues to puzzle me, it suggests PDT knows he is not in control, it projects a disturbing sense of powerlessness, and I can’t see it as 12-D Chess.

    I’m with PDT 1,000% but I find this troubling.

  10. Isn’t that akin to the gimmick that tax resolution and debt consolidation companies use in their ads?
    We know a secret that (the IRS/credit card companies) don’t want you to know about.

  11. “Stunning”
    “It begins…”
    Titles that are questions. It means they don’t know shit.
    Word salad.
    Prose that never ever gets to the point.
    No summary in the first paragraph.
    No body that supports the first paragraph’s thesis.
    Shitty attribution or none at all.
    Wackadoodle sources.

    Ninety-eight percent of reporting on any site of the entire World Wide Web is an eye-bleeding waste of human life.

    Pr0n and cat videos are more accurate.

  12. OT but since the conversation has veered to words that aggravate: “pundint.” There’s no such thing as a PUNDINT,no such word (and blessed few pundits). Hearing “pundint” makes me want to reach out and choke someone (Hannity, I’m looking at you!).

  13. And don’t forget every clickbait headline must begin or end with “BOOM!”

    Because comic book sound effects are the essential hallmark of credible hard news.

    Make that “iconic”. And “historic”.
    Iconically historic.

  14. They think their coy little teasers will intrigue you and you’ll wait breathlessly for the big reveal. Then they follow up and it says “be sure to drink your Ovaltine!” So you say “son of a bitch!” and block them. 😉

  15. I’ll go out on a limb and predict the folllowing 3 BIG EVENTS for 2018:

    1. There will be a MAJOR MOVE in one or more sectors of the world stock markets. Maybe up, maybe down. But a MAJOR MOVE!

    2. There will be one or more MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS in the medical field.
    This will involve some sort of disease, drugs, and human beings. Stay tuned!

    3. One or more ageing 1960s/70s actors or musicians, beloved to Boomers, will pass away in 2018. Millions will remember them fondly. This may involve a classic TV series, or not.

    These are bold predictions, but remember, you heard it here first.

    –hat tip to The Amazing Kreskin

  16. Yep, the teaser ‘It begins’ drives me nuts, they use that on Breitbart a lot. I’m so sick of their sensationalized crap.

    Twitter is a ridiculous medium, used by has-been celebrities, probably paid by Democrats, Soros or Media Matters, to spread their talking points. Being part of the twitter horde is the only career most of those boneheads have anymore. Sad.

  17. MJA – or the TV news tease that explains the entire story, sans the business name — “… coming up, we’ll tell you who…” and the video rolling under the tease shows the business and their name.

  18. Agree with so many comments. I think any real revelations would be truly hard-hitting if they were issued in real time. My mom about killed us all every time the tee vee would be interrupted by “We bring you this breaking news.” “Shhhh! Shhhhh!!!”, she’d shout! You’d think nuclear war had broken out. Scared me to death!

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