Cubs Hit Cardinal Player Three Times In One Inning – IOTW Report

Cubs Hit Cardinal Player Three Times In One Inning

It had started out being a good week for Cardinal outfielder Stephen Piscotty.  He had just inked a $33.5 million six-year deal with the Cardinals on Monday.  On the his way around the bases on Tuesday against the Cubs, Piscotty was hit by errant throws three times, once on each elbow and finally in the head on a slide home.

Piscotty was taken out of the game after getting beaned, but updates are saying he did not suffer a concussion and has returned to play.


“Sweet butter crumpets!” the cricket baseball mash up had me in tears.

12 Comments on Cubs Hit Cardinal Player Three Times In One Inning

  1. he got hit 3 times-if he goes out as injured does he still get to keep the $33 million even if he doesn’t play any more due to -I’m afraid of balls now…

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