Cue the SLW Outrage – Another Model Black Citizen Is Gone – IOTW Report

Cue the SLW Outrage – Another Model Black Citizen Is Gone

Maybe the SJWs are smart enough to stay away from this one, but I doubt it.

Here we have a guy in a jail cell who assaulted his mother.

6 jailers, 4 black and 2 white (maybe there aren’t enough white cops in this story for the blacks to care), show up to process the guy for, maybe, a hearing (I’m speculating.) ((The fact that 6 people showed up indicates that his initial arrest probably didn’t go all that smoothly.))

In the video you see the jailers surround the guy, talking to him, presumably to let him know what is expected of him. What was expected of him was most likely a request for polite and uneventful compliance.

No such luck.

The guy resists, because school taught him no one should be “disrespecting” his royal highness.

So he’s tasered, and dragged out of the jail cell.

He’s brought to a hospital. They give him some anti-psychotic drugs, and he has a reaction and dies.

People are saying the cops killed him. If you’re black and you die? Cops fault.

Cops shouldn’t be hassling black dudes that are in jail for assaulting their mothers. They shouldn’t even be in jail. #BlackSocietyFreeFromTheConsequencesOfTheirOwnDecisonsIsAllThatMatters



The video was released by Rahm Emanuel. It’s political move. The little runty dancer is trying to make it seem like he’s a police department whistleblower amidst his cover-up controversy in the death of Laquan McDonald.

15 Comments on Cue the SLW Outrage – Another Model Black Citizen Is Gone

  1. Nothing will happen to Ram. He has a little “D” by his name, so he is good to go, and the idiots of cook county, black and white, will continue to keep him in office.


  2. I will be very surprised if his momma isn’t already signing the papers to sue for big money over the turrble loss of her little precious Dindunuffink. She will conveniently forget how he beat the stuffing out of her.

  3. Questions that need answering –

    how many times and how many minutes or seconds was he tasered?

    Where on his body was he tasered?

    Was enough pressure applied to his chest/back that it blocked the chest from expanding for breathing?

    The prisoner seems to be unconscious, just a rag doll being dragged with no apparent resistance, did he “wake up” before being sent to hospital?

    What caused the popo to send him to the hospital?

    What shape was he in when he got to the hospital? EKG, breathing, level of consciousness?

    Did he have illegal drugs like amphetamine, crack, in his system?

    Did he have a history of mental illness?

    Had he gone off his psychiatric drugs?

    Was he tasered when arrested?

    Was he known to the police?

    Tasers can kill people by disturbing the heart, causing arrhythmia, fibrillation, flat line, death.

    There was no audio on the video I looked at.

    Where did the narrative of the confrontation come from?

    The link above does not appear the be a story about this prisoner.

    I am against tasering people for punishment. In cases of prisoner punishment would a lit cigarette be OK?

    Was the prisoner a physical threat to the police?

    Who escalated the confrontation? Prisoner, or the force of what, 6 LEOS?

  4. Remember the old saying “Tell it to the judge”? I expect the judge would be sympathetic, cops – not necessarily so. If I encounter a cop, it be respectful time. Too bad the dindonuffins never got taught how to respect others. Then again, maybe not too bad. One less to cause trouble for the rest of us.

  5. Why thank you, turd.
    Likewise, your name touches my heart as well.
    I’m known on here as a bit of a sarcastic asshole who swears a lot, but any of the regulars on here will tell you I’m one of the good guys.

  6. Instead the dindunuffins are deliberately taught to make a struggle out of every interaction with cops by assbag leaders like shartpun and obama, which results in police having to do things the hard way AND being reluctant to get involved in black neighborhoods, which then results in more crime,death and misery for decent blacks.

  7. Davy said “Who gives a shit”

    I do. The taser is a LESS lethal weapon. Sometimes it kills people.

    It is not supposed to be used for punishment or pain compliance. Would you think it would be OK for the popo to use a lit cigarette for that?

    Check with your local sheriff and local popo on taser policy. I believe I already know what it says.

    I would like to read the report and hear the audio of the incident.

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