Cult and Sickness of “Pride” – IOTW Report

Cult and Sickness of “Pride”

16 Comments on Cult and Sickness of “Pride”

  1. The local news last night was going overboard covering the Sacramento pride month celebration. Drag queens everywhere. They all love this crap and if you call out the perversion you’re the bad person. SICK OF PERVERTS RUNNING THE NEWS!

  2. I couldn’t agree with him more. Homosexuality is a sickness and cult unto itself that forbids all other beliefs. I don’t hate homosexuals, but I hate what they have done to my country over the past 50 years. I will never participate willingly or unwillingly in any sick perverted celebration of homosexuality, both gay males as well as lesbians and tranny freaks. If that makes me a bigot so be it but I will not accept or bow to these ungodly perverts.

  3. Nothing with this flag represents heredity, offspring, tradition, generational growth, or American culture.

    It represents the complete opposite, the destruction, of those, the demise of family and God. It’s all by design and no coincidence pushed by the left, the same people who demand abortions on demand for all. Disgusting they brainwash normies into believing it’s about love and acceptance and have the nerve to call it “pride.”

    At BEST it’s “only” about sexualization of society, including and especially children, the worst kind of kink sex, fetish, and pedophilla. You can’t interpret a best case cause other than that. The WORST case, without God, family and morals we are a completely collapsed civilization; it’s a distraction tool pushed by those in power to plunder the whole damn country.

  4. Next Monday would also have been my late mom’s 98th birthday. I’ll celebrate my mom but not another phony baloney, made up politically correct federal holiday. And just how soon will they also make Kwanzaa another bs p/c celebration a federal holiday so close to Christmas? We don’t need any more steenking p/c federal holidays celebrating DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) to screw things up any further.

  5. Nations have flags and fly them where they have conquered territory.

    This is a state-sponsored Cult which is both aggressively proselytizing and carrying out a Cultural Inquisition.

  6. @ Different Tim

    We would probably be better off if everyday except the thirty-first of every month was a federally recognized holiday with government offices and banks closed.

  7. I remember close to 20 years ago when same sex marriage was just being discussed Bill O’Reilly said on his show that it would be the camel’s nose under the tent, it wouldn’t end there but be the beginning.

  8. I never understood how a guy could be attracted to a nuther guy’s hairy ass and then be proud of it on top of that!
    How fuked up is Fuked up… that’s fucked up!


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