Cummings Family Split Over Who Should Fill Elijah’s Seat In Congress – IOTW Report

Cummings Family Split Over Who Should Fill Elijah’s Seat In Congress

Fox News

The family of late Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., is locked in a battle over who should succeed him in his seat representing Maryland’s 7th Congressional District.

Two of the deceased lawmaker’s daughters, Jennifer and Adia Cummings, released a statement earlier this week in which they announced their support of Harry Spikes, a former staffer for Cummings, in a crowded race that includes former Congressman Kweisi Mfume, several state lawmakers and Cummings’s second wife, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings. More

As if they’d inherited the seat to pass on to others. – Dr. Tar

31 Comments on Cummings Family Split Over Who Should Fill Elijah’s Seat In Congress

  1. Let’s face it, Representative Elijah Cummings is simply irreplaceable. If rats could vote, I’m sure they would want a family member to carry on the proud tradition of keeping Baltimore a rat infested Demonrat Plantation Shithole. It’s sad though when families fight about their right to replace the King Rat in such a public manner. They are acting like Muridae.

  2. Not surprised there is a fight; where else but congress can someone with a mid-double-digit IQ, who is lazy, and with no talent or skills, become a multi-millionaire in just a few years , “legally”?

  3. …you ever notice that there is always strife for leadership sucession when God’s not in it? From when Muslims started killing each other over whether the pedophile’s father-in-law or cousin should suceed him, right up to the globalists picking the current Pope for the Catholic Church, these things never end well, and it’s probably God’s way of keeping those who oppose him divided among themselves and weakening them that way.

    This is no different. Cummings was a divider, and all his fruits were those of the Devil, so his family will reap the rewards of one who lived only to tear down others and build nothing on his own part.

    …specific to famous Black people, dig in, this can take awhile. Remember when it took 76 days before they could even agree where to bury James Brown? This will be WORSE. Drama, drama, drama…

    …should be fun if Kweisi gets the nod, tho, he’s so smooth with the ladies…

    #metoo fun for everyone…

  4. This a chance to prove if Trump is gaining converts in the Black community. Find a decent candidate (ideally black, attractive, youngish and accomplished) who is well spoken and smart and really wants to improve the lot of the people in that district and not their own pockets. Then pump in cash and and some of the best GOP political people (or better yet Trumps people just give them different names 🙂 and fight like hell for that seat. The ugly in-fighting going on now over who “gets” the seat provides a huge issue to beat them over the head with and the race hasn’t started.

  5. Great strategy, scr_north, but the rot in Baltimore is very deep – law breaking mayor, questionable police LEOs, compromised city council, corrupt unions, Demwit voting districts – kickbacks abound. The rats aren’t the only vermin that need eradicating.
    Even with President Trump’s backing, the person running for Cummings seat would be constantly fighting against a chronically fraudulent system that controls how Baltimore operates.
    What could help is making sure federal funding for programs like HUD is scrutinized and sanctioned. Definitely would put a wrench in the funding corruption the Cummings clan/gang members are expecting to continue.

  6. @99th Squad Leader; You’re quite right. It would be a knife fight just to get elected then an ongoing cage match to both stay in power and grow their influence back home and start to clean up an almost hopelessly dirty town/district. This means the person chosen has to be a strong, fearless person of unquestioned ethics and loyalty. Someone who can brush off the daily bullets from the corrupted as well as stand against it when they start lobbing grenades. I know what I’m talking about is rare but if they can be found, run and win and stay true then the vast majority of the people in the district would start to support him/her efforts to clean up their home and make it a safe place again. Besides, if conservatives can find and support this person and they stay the course then we could be looking at the next President 10 or 15 years down the road.

  7. They are actively ignorant of the events in 1783 & 1789. The end of the Amercan Revolutionary War & George Washington becoming the first US president, doing away with royal families handing power to their offspring. However, there are several other jackass families trying to do the same thing.

  8. Agreed, scr_north. There is hope, even though the chances are slim a decent candidate, ideally a conservative replacing Cummings. The future still looks good for erasing some urban blight caused by the left.

  9. @joe6pak November 28, 2019 at 1:06 pm

    > I guess it hasn’t occurred to them that the voters should have something to say about this.

    The voters that re-elected Elijah Cummings? Even once?

    Gotta say, I’m not interested in their “deep thoughts,” either.

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