Cunning Linguist Believe QAnon Has a Split Personality – IOTW Report

Cunning Linguist Believe QAnon Has a Split Personality

UK Daily Mail

Two sets of forensic linguists have published two separate papers using two different techniques to conclude that Q appears to be two people: South African tech journalist Paul Furber, 55, and 4chan internet message board moderator and computer entrepreneur Ron Watkins, 34, according to the studies. 

‘While relying on two completely different technologies, both stylometric [quantitative study of literary style] analyses could establish that QAnon‘s early period on the 4chan forum, from October to December 2017, was likely the result of a collaboration between Paul Furber and Ron Watkins,’ according to Claude-Alain Roten, the CEO of OrphAnalytics.  More

47 Comments on Cunning Linguist Believe QAnon Has a Split Personality

  1. Brad and Joe6pak hardest hit. Now they don’t believe the Easter bunny will show up for the 4th of July state of the union address or that pet rocks can become pebbles with due force and compression.

  2. It really takes a worm of guy to comment behind an anonymous label. And then to throw out meaningless statements that are incomprehensible it makes all anonymouses appear as a group circle jerk. I hope you assholes enjoy each other’s company.

  3. “Mind you Gruner, because if you aspire to be accepted into English Society you’ll do well to remove the band from your Havana before lighting it, otherwise you’ll be put down for a bounder.”

    My take on most anon bounders.

  4. It’s disturbing all the way around. Who makes a pet out of a rock simply to crush it into pebbles?

    I’m not sure I’m comfortable with the thought of some random rock fetishist with sweaty palms squeezing rocks together is running around on the loose.

  5. Ah Joe6pak, you got it.The Easter Bunny and the 4th of july have nothing to do with reality, just like “Qanon” and you and Brad were the big proponents of “Q”….Admit it, “Tell the truth and shame the devil”….Plus, I like rocks just like Joe6pak and Brad like turtles

  6. Who doesn’t like turtles?

    A. Communists
    B. Layabouts
    C. The Anti Turtle League of Nations

    Besides, if you like rocks enough to make pets of them…why are you crushing them into pebbles as if all the rocks were in some sort of concentration camp being subjected to nauseating experiments?

    Also, do you have any pamphlets available on your anti rock theories?

  7. Joe6pak. You, yourself is an anonymous and you piss all of us other anonymous’s off with your ignorance, especially with your ‘Q’ belief ignorance which you now choose to be like a learning tradition. You forget what you used to post, cowboy.

  8. It’s a game of “Button, button, who’s got the button!” combined with “Let’s make a deal!” Can we all play?

    Do you want…

    Door Number One…
    Door Number Two…
    Door Number THREE!!

    I want door number…. 3… 1… 2… no, 3! No! WAIT!

    Oh, Monty!!!

    (Can you guess my handle here?)

  9. Burr: define a rock. Is it 12 tons? 2 lbs? or the size when Burt Lancaster was smearing Deborah Kerr’s swimsuit into the beach. Sand like and steamy….There’s ahunting clams joke in there somewhere.

  10. (Can you guess my handle here?)


    The hell is Monty? Where are his buttons? Is a seamstress behind any of the doors?

    All I know is is that it hasn’t yet been proven that Amanda Bynes isn’t Q.

    I have money riding on that.

  11. Having a gravitar picture and somewhat consistent handle simply demonstrates ones willingness to play the game.

    It’s polite and allows those without player cards to keep track of who’s who.

  12. Also, Monty is Bernard Montgomery. This short round English spaz who wore a beret and….shorts.

    Not sure he liked rocks very much as he seems to have blow up a great many of them North Africa.

  13. ^^^^ very true Burr and I encourage Brad and Joe6pak to fully participate as they have been avatar-less for more then a decade and a half….Not sure they can overcome the avatar recognition difficulty though. They haven’t been willing nor able for a very long time…….Me? I’m gonna put up a picture of an axe handle….JIM AXE HANDLE!

  14. Burr, I’ve never heard English General, General Bernard Montgomery referred to as a short round spaz who wore shorts before. Although I am sure Patton must have thought that Montgomery was a spaz, Patton hated Montgomery’s guts because he was always showing Patton up and hogging all the glory.

  15. It should have read “shortround spaz in a beret and shorts”.

    You have to remember by the time I was born everyone cool was already dead, the moon had lost it’s virginity and everything on TV was a rerun from a time and place that no longer existed.

    Plus, everyone looked like an ass in the 70’s.

  16. Wait a damned minute! According to my research, Claude Akins died on January 27, 1994. And he was a character actor, not the CEO of LittleOrphanAnal. Mind you, I got this information from IMDb, but it could be that site has been infiltrated by Macedonian Content Farmers.

  17. @Dr. Tar February 21, 2022 at 7:52 am

    > Annusmuch, get a room for yourself and some kind of unique identity.

    InstaTok! For “Look at me!Look at me!Look at me!” princesses. Who can’t read. And want no idea.

  18. Great work, cunning linguists. Now focus your keen intellects on dispelling the myth of “The Boogaloo Boys”. Although, speaking of rocks into pebbles, that news might crush Anonymous, or at least ruin his masturbatory fantasy.

  19. And speaking of finding out the really important stuff, Glenn Reynolds makes a good point:

    “We know who donated to the Canadian Truckers, but not who Ghislaine Maxwell’s clients were.”

    But I suppose “Ghislaine Maxwell’s Clients” is a fairy tale because “Q” talked about that stuff. Right, Anonymous?

  20. DON’T play into the hands of these “Anonymous” posters by allowing them to draw you into a debate you’ll never win in their eyes. Just scroll on by, just like you do the fake $88/hour bots.

  21. QAnon was a journalist or intelligence service fabrication. It just led people on with the false hope that something was going to be done to the criminals who dogged Trump every step of his presidency. Nothing happened to them and QAnon is a non-factor now because its mission was accomplished.

  22. @TheMule February 21, 2022 at 11:48 am

    > QAnon was a journalist or intelligence service fabrication. It just led people on with the false hope that something was going to be done to the criminals who dogged Trump every step of his presidency.

    QAnon was more The Donald fakery. It led people on with the false hope that something was going to be done to the nomenklatura, who The Donald had no intention of disturbing.

    Illionaires gotta ill.

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