Cuomo accusers detail horror stories in newly released transcripts – IOTW Report

Cuomo accusers detail horror stories in newly released transcripts

NYP: Women accusing former Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual misconduct detailed the horrors of working with the disgraced politician — telling investigators how they were subjected to unwanted touching and gross quips about their looks, according to newly released transcripts.

Brittany Commisso — whose groping allegation led to criminal charges being filed against Cuomo last month — recalled how the governor commented on her weight and clothing, and called her by nicknames including “honey,” “sweetie,” and “Britannica.”

“I would wear pants a lot … when I wore a dress, he would comment about how — it’s about time that you showed some leg,” she said in a May 17 interview with probers.

“I wore a dress with a blazer and he instantly noticed that I was wearing a dress and said, ‘Oh, it’s about time that you showed off some leg.’

“When I walked into the room, he would look me up and down,” Commisso said. “He had this way of making me feel like he was checking me out.” more

8 Comments on Cuomo accusers detail horror stories in newly released transcripts

  1. While unfortunate and inexcusable, the damage suffered by these brave women pales in comparison to the 15,000 elderly citizens of New York who were condemned to a lonely and premature nursing home death by El Douche’ Andrew Cuomo. This is a capitol offense of the highest order.

  2. I’m sorry, but Cuomo is being trashed for the only evil deeds he probably didn’t do. The evil cunt AG of NY wouldn’t indict Cuomo for getting thousands of old people killed with his shitty handling of the COVID-19 spike in 2020. But she indicts him for this bullshit and then announces she’s running for governor the next week. And these women accusing Cuomo are your classic whimminz studies majors who get involved in politics because they’re too fucking stupid to do anything else, often fuck anything with power that moves, and then, on queue, make sobbing “rape” allegations.

    Seriously, one of these cunts was 25 years old when she claimed she was “groomed”… What is she, fucking retarded?

  3. The corrupt and sewage-strewn lieutenant gov Kathy Hochul knew all about Cuomo’s sekual touching and assaults yet did nothing about it. Currently the temp gov she has taken up the torch to scheme, scam, and plot against citizens’ liberties and freedoms by accepting money from the pedophile Joe Biden to continue the fake ‘scamdemic’ farce initiated by Big Bro Fredo Andrew Cuomo.


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