Cuomo Left His Dog In Governor’s Mansion, It’s Not House Broken – IOTW Report

Cuomo Left His Dog In Governor’s Mansion, It’s Not House Broken

Times Union

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, who has been staying with one of his sisters in Westchester County in the final days of his third term, recently has asked staff members at the Executive Mansion if anyone would like to keep his dog, Captain, who has remained at the state-owned residence after the governor moved out last week.

Two State Police sources told the Times Union on Saturday that the governor had recently asked mansion staff members if anyone would be interested in caring for the dog. Captain — a high-strung mix of shepherd, Siberian and malamute — has nipped a few people since Cuomo adopted him in 2018, the sources said, and a mansion staffer recently took the dog home for a few days but decided he was too much. More

17 Comments on Cuomo Left His Dog In Governor’s Mansion, It’s Not House Broken

  1. There’s nothing worse than dog and cat piss and crap in a home. You will never get rid of the odor. This story tells you what kind of person was running New York, he’s not only a pig, he should be left down in skid row for a few days. Dogs and cats left unattended are very destructive animals if not properly trained. We’ve seen the pictures…….BTW, Cuomo doesn’t care, this is who he is – unworthy.

  2. It takes a special kind of asshole to bring a high strung, low bred, destructive piece of shit of an animal around others. It has been my experience that having a succession of such animals, or multiples simultaneously, is a way of life for some people.

    I had a tenant in a rental property who would call or when I would show up to do work on the property would have her Goddamned dog barking in my face whenever I was trying to have a conversation with her. I told her that if it happened one more time she and that fucking dog were out. Bitch didn’t believe me. Showed up on my doorstep to pay the rent with that wretched dog and as soon as she started to ask me a question that damnable dog lit up. My response to her was, here’s your check back. You paid first and last month’s rent in advance and you will receive any damage deposit you are due as soon as you are out and the place is inspected.

    I raised dogs for decades and had as many as eight at one time. Dogs are a reflection of the owners.

  3. JDHasty
    AUGUST 23, 2021 AT 10:48 AM
    “It takes a special kind of asshole to bring a high strung, low bred, destructive piece of shit of an animal around others.”

    …you mean like Pedo Joe did with Kamala?

  4. Narcissistic sociopaths are attracted to Marxism like moths to flames. They intrinsically understand that they must be in power if they were unfortunately not born a member of the elite 3%

    Look at Pelosi, Schumer, Hillezbub, AOC, Harris, and every Democrat Governor. Narcissistic Sociopaths all.

    Mayor’s also, look at Gollum in Shitcongo, and DeBlasio in NYC.

    These automated Marxists are willing and able useful idiots to the world elite. They are all Satanic demons. Wholly owned subsidiaries of Lucifer.

    The way you treat God’s most noble and loving animal is a accurate indicator of who owns your soul

  5. JD Hasty. My next door neighbor has 2 little dogs that bark anytime someone talks to her. I can’t even hear what she has to say, because of the stupid dog barks. She does nothing to stop them, like at least put them in the house! Maybe if she did that a few times, the dog might get a clue that bad behavior gets them in the house rather than outside. I guess she thinks it’s normal. My dogs don’t bark at her when she’s out talking to me. That’s because they’ll get ‘the look’. That’s all I have to do. Just give them ‘THE look’.


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