Cuomo Makes Seventh High Ranking NY Dem to Fall From Grace – IOTW Report

Cuomo Makes Seventh High Ranking NY Dem to Fall From Grace


In just 15 years, no fewer than seven powerful New York Democrats have been forced to resign in disgrace. That includes New York’s last three governors — three in a row! More

13 Comments on Cuomo Makes Seventh High Ranking NY Dem to Fall From Grace

  1. Sexual harassment, corruption, abuse of office, physical abuse, perversion and fraud may get you ousted from political office, BUT …….
    Name one that lost their golden parachute Pension and Benefits.
    Did any?

  2. Kcir — Pelosi will NEVER be in cuffs! But. . .like Jacob Marley, she will roam eternal Hell with her yards and yards of self-forged chain; rattling it at all the reporters down there who have the temerity to ask her any real questions.

    “I wear the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.” ~ A Christmas Carol

    Free will, baby! The Lord giveth free will and the Lord puts us where we choose to let that free will take us. Repent and turn away from sin for the end, from which there are no second chances, is at hand.

  3. The democrats have a dismal history, (which has been banned from the public),

    They have no shame, no scruples, no morals and NO GIVE-A-Shit about the general population.

    Their target is TOTAL control…….period.


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