Cuomo: NY ‘past the coronavirus peak;’ antibody testing starts this week – IOTW Report

Cuomo: NY ‘past the coronavirus peak;’ antibody testing starts this week


New York state may be “past the peak” of the coronavirus outbreak, but the descent could be dependent on future actions, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced during a Sunday press conference.

beginning to thaw

“The big question [is] whether we’ve been past the apex, past the high point. And it turned out the high point, wasn’t a point. But the high point was a plateau,” said Cuomo.

“We got up to a high point and then we just stayed at that level for a while. But if the data holds and if this trend holds, we are past the high point and all indications at this point that we are on a descent. Whether or not the descent continues depends on what we do,” he added.


6 Comments on Cuomo: NY ‘past the coronavirus peak;’ antibody testing starts this week

  1. Does anybody remember that the whole reason for the shut down of the economy was NOT to save lives, but to flatten the curve, i.e. spread out the infections (and deaths) so as not to overwhelm the hospitals? Now, thanks to democrat media, we can’t go back to work until there are no more deaths.

  2. So NY is starting “antibody testing” soon? These are not the tests the Media Attack Chorus is singing about today. The media wants more tests for current infections, so they can get more Grim Milestones. They don’t want antibody tests to reveal how many of us already had the Chinavirus and kicked its ass.

  3. You know that scene?

    The one with the Car Salesman. . .

    You know.

    The one where the double-talking, Add-A-Floormat for an extra Grand, has to call the upstairs manager for this one-day only special approval deal . . .

    You know . . . that Scene.

    Anyways, listen to that Rat Bastard Cuomo double-talk for Mo Mo Money on TV everyday and One eventually sees, hears and determines the Truth.

    Cuomo is the Douchebag upstairs.


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